Page 5 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center 2019-20 Activity Guide
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Youth Flag Football League New! Youth Coach Pitch Aquatics: August 2019 American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification
The co-ed youth flag football league is for Baseball 1 to 1 Elite Swim Lessons Those that complete the prerequisite swimming skills
children between the ages of 6 and 12. evaluation and class will receive a two (2) year certification in
Participants will play a 7 game minimum, Registration is open June 3 - July 29,2019 Our elite lessons will get your kids ready for safe swimming Lifeguarding/CPR/AED/First-Aid by the American Red Cross.
receive a game jersey and end of the The co-ed youth coach pitch baseball league is this season in no time! Exclusive one-on-one swim lessons Class minimum 4; maximum 10
season awards. Fees include a mandatory for children ages 7 and 8. The volunteer focused on improving swimming skills. One session includes Requirements:
jersey fee.All games are played at Scout coach will schedule one practice day a four (4) 20-minute lessons, on four consecutive Saturdays. Participant MUST be 15 years old to enroll in class.
Park on Saturdays only. week; either a Monday or Wednesday. R=Resident NR=Non-resident fees
R=Resident NR=Non-resident fees Games will be played on Tuesdays or 6936 S 8/10 8/31 10-10:20am $41R/$49NR The first day of this course, the participant must successfully
Pee Wee Division: 6 and 7 years of age Thursdays. All games are played at the 300 yard continuous swim (only freestyle and
Jackie Robinson Ball Field.
Barcode Day Start End Ages Fees R=Resident NR=Non-resident fees 6937 S 8/10 8/31 10-10:20am $41R/$49NR breaststroke permitted).
6960 Sat 9/28/19 11/9/19 6 & 7 $76R/$95NR 6938 S 8/10 8/31 10:25-10:45am $41R/$49NR Timed swim and brick retrieval from a 10-15 ft. depth.
No hands tread in deep water for 2 minutes.
Barcode: 7142 Fee: $76R/$95NR 6939 S 8/10 8/31 10:25-10:45am $41R/$49NR
Junior Division: 8, 9 & 10 years of age Coaches Meeting August 10, 2019, 9am at the 6940 S 8/10 8/31 10:50-11:10am $41R/$49NR R=Resident NR=non-resident fees
Barcode Day Start End Ages Fees Litchfield Park Recreation Center Barcode Starts Ends Time Ages Fees
Practices/Games Jackie Robinson Ball Field 6941 S 8/10 8/31 10:50-11:10am $41R/$49NR
6961 Sat 9/28/19 11/9/19 8, 9 & 10 $76R/$95NR Fri 5-8pm
First Game September 3, 2019 6942 S 8/10 8/31 11:15-11:35am $41R/$49NR 7138 9/6 9/15 Sat 10-5pm 15+ $142R/$168NR
Sun 12-5pm
Senior Division: 11 & 12 years of age Last Game October 17, 2019 6943 S 8/10 8/31 11:15-11:35am $41R/$49NR
Barcode Day Start End Ages Fees 6944 S 8/10 8/31 11:40-12pm $41R/$49NR American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor
6962 Sat 9/28/19 11/9/19 11 & 12 $76R/$95NR Park Rentals 6945 S 8/10 8/31 11:40-12pm $41R/$49NR Certification
2019 Fall Flag Football Schedule
Youth Group Lessons Interested in teaching swim lessons?
DATE EVENT TITLE The Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Certification course is a
Saturday, September 7 Flag Football Coaches’ Meeting Contact Pat McCoy at See page 2 of activity guide for class descriptions brand new offering that will train WSI candidates to teach
Saturday, September 28 First Game Day R=Resident NR=non-resident swim lessons and presentations in the American Red Cross
Saturday, October 5 Second Game Day M-TH August 5-15 August 19-29 Swimming and Water Safety Program. This course will also
develop the candidate’s understanding of how to use course
Saturday, October 12 Third Game Day Bubblers 7130 Bubblers 7134 $36R/$43NR materials, how to conduct training sessions/lessons, and how
Saturday, October 19 Fourth Game Day 623-935-9040 5-5:30pm Floaters 7131 Floaters 7135 $36R/$43NR to evaluate participants’ progress.
Saturday, October 26 Fifth Game Day Class Prerequisites:
Saturday, November 2 Sixth Game Day For a complete list of Litchfield Park City Parks, go 5:35-6:05pm Puffers 7132 Puffers 7136 $36R/$43NR
Saturday, November 9 Seventh Game Day to Strokers 7133 Strokers 7137 $36R/$43NR WSI candidates MUST be 16 years or older to enroll in this
Youth Tee Ball League Location Key Lifeguard certification NOT required, but recommended.
Demonstrate the ability to perform the following swimming
The co-ed youth tee ball league is LPRC Pool Parties skills:
for children between the ages of 3 and 6. 940 W. Village Parkway By the pool in the sun, bring your friends and front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, elementary
Participants will receive a game uniform AP Aleppo Park Litchfield Park AZ 85340 have some fun! backstroke, sidestroke-25 yards
and end of the season trophy. All 1185 Villa Nueva Drive butterfly-15 yards
games are played at Staggs Park CP Camelback Park Book your next pool party with us during our open swim back float for 1 minute (floating or sculling)
or Litchfield Elementary on Saturdays Litchfield Park AZ 85340 hours, or after hours.
only. Jackie Robinson Ball Camelback & Village Parkway All inquiries go to Jenna Harris at: tread water for 1 minute
R=Resident NR=Non-resident fees Field Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Online: > hover over Play > click on Certification Requirements:
Barcode Days Start End Ages Fees LES Litchfield Elementary 255 E. Wigwam Blvd. Schedule a Pool Party Complete the online Swimming & Water Safety Program
School Litchfield Park AZ 85340 Orientation (prior to the in-class date)
6963 Sat 9/28/19 11/9/19 3 & 4 $76R/$95NR Litchfield Park 100 S. Old Litchfield Road Email: Complete the online Water Safety Instructor Course
6964 Sat 9/28/19 11/9/19 5 & 6 $76R/$95NR LPRC Recreation Center Litchfield Park AZ 85340 Phone: 623-935-9040 simulation online as homework throughout the course.
203 W. Fairway Drive Attend ALL class sessions
2019 Youth Tee Ball Schedule ScP Scout Park Litchfield Park AZ 85340 Pool Party Rental Rates Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities
DATE EVENT TITLE SP Staggs Park 300 S. Old Litchfield Road Number of Attendees Open Swim Rate After Hour Rate Score an 80% or better on the final written exam
Saturday, September 7 Tee Ball Coaches’ Meeting Litchfield Park AZ 85340 25 and Under $50 / hr $70 / hr Information on completing the online course will be emailed to
Saturday, September 7 Tee Ball Parent Orientation TP Turtle Park 675 Villa Nueva Drive 26—50 $60 / hr $90 / hr WSI candidates upon registering for a class. Class minimum
Saturday, September 28 First Game Day Litchfield Park AZ 85340 51—75 $70 / hr $110 / hr 4; maximum 10.
Saturday, October 5 Second Game Day 301 S. Old Litchfield Rd. R=Resident NR=non-resident fees
TVLP Tierra Verde Lake Park 76—100 $90 / hr $120 / hr
Saturday, October 12 Third Game Day Litchfield Park AZ 85340 Barcode Starts Ends Time Ages Fees
Saturday, October 19 Fourth Game Day WCMS Wigwam Creek Middle 4510 N. 127 th Avenue 101—150 $100 / hr $130 / hr Fri 5-7pm*
Saturday, October 26 Fifth Game Day School Litchfield Park AZ 85340 Grill use $5 / hr $5 / hr 7139 9/20 9/29 Sat 10-5pm 16+ $200R/$240NR
Saturday, November 2 Sixth Game Day WSMS Western Sky Middle 4095 N. 144 th Avenue Available upon request: up to five 6 ft. long white tables and Sun 12-5pm
Saturday, November 9 Seventh Game Day School Goodyear AZ 85395 up to two 10’ x 10’ pop up tents *No class Friday, September 27
8 623-935-9040 Register online at 5