Page 4 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center 2019-20 Activity Guide
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Aquatics: Summer 2019

        1 to 1 Elite Saturday Swim Lessons: fees $41 resident; $49 non-resident
        Our elite lessons will get your kids ready for safe swimming this season in no time! Exclusive one-on-one swim lessons focused on
        improving swimming skills. Each session includes four (4) consecutive Saturdays for 20-minute lessons.                      We need enthusiastic and energized volunteers to coach our youth  Register September 30-November 12, 2019
                                                                                                                                     sports. All of our coaches will receive free coaching certification  Winter programs consist of co-ed basketball only. Register for
         1 to 1 Elite        10-10:20am       10:25-10:45am    10:50-11:10am     11:15-11:35am     11:40-12pm                                                                               the age that your child will be on the first game day of the
                                                                                                                                    (insurance included) through the National Alliance for Youth Sports
                             6915             6917             6919              6921              6923                                                                                     season. Game times will be determined at the conclusion of
         June 8-29                                                                                                                  (NAYS). The certification is valid for one full calendar year, and all it  the registration period. All games are played on Saturdays.
                             6916             6918             6920              6922              6924
                             6926             6928             6930              6932              6934                             takes is a quick course and you’re on your way. Our  support staff   Practice times/locations will not be known until after the
         July 13-August 3                                                                                                                                                                   mandatory coaches’ meeting. Every team is responsible for
                             6927             6929             6931              6933              6935                             will provide loads of information about the sport you coach; all you   scheduling their own practice times/days. The City of
                                                                                                                                    have to do is be there for the kids! Remember, you don’t need to be   Litchfield Park does not schedule practice times for teams in
        Parent-Tot - American Red Cross Parent Child Aquatics: fees $19 resident; $22 non-resident                                  a star athlete to be a GREAT volunteer coach; you only need a little   this league, therefore, practice times/locations cannot be
        The foundation of Parent-Tot is for participants to gain a set of basic skills that help prepare infants and young children to become                                               guaranteed at the time of registration.
        comfortable in the water so they are willing and ready to learn to swim. This class also provides parents with information and            time and a lot of enthusiasm!
        techniques to create safer aquatic experiences for their children. Ages 6 months to 3 years. Class minimum 3; maximum 8                                                            Youth Basketball Leagues
                                                                                                                                        Call  Pat McCoy at 623-935-9040 or email
         Parent-Tot       June 3-6       June 10-13     June 17-20     June 24-27     July 8-11       July 15-18
                                                                                                                                           Pat at               The co-ed youth basketball leagues are for
         10-10:30am       7113           7115           7117           7119           7121            7123                                                                                 children between the ages of 4 and 14.
         5:35-6:05pm      7114           7116           7118           7120           7122            7124                                                                                 Participants will play a 7 game minimum,
                                                                                                                                                                                           receive a game uniform and end of the

                                                                                                                                                                                           the Rookie, Junior or Senior division that
        Private Swim Lessons Adults & Children                   Aquatics: Adult                                                  623-935-9040                                             season awards. Participants registering in
         These lessons are for children and adults who desire one-on-one                                                                                                                   participated in the Fall 2019 basketball league
                                                                                                                                                                                           may receive a $10 discount if they reuse the Fall reversible
          instruction to learn how to swim, improve strokes or learn new                                                                                                                   jersey. The discount can only be applied in the lobby or over
                  strokes. Private lessons are subject to the availability   Aqua Blast Water Aerobics                                                                                     the phone—online registrants cannot receive discounts. Fees
                      of the instructor. Classes taught at the Litchfield                                                                                                                  include a mandatory jersey fee.
                                      Park Recreation Center pool   The benefits of water aerobics
                              R=Resident  NR=non-resident fees   are endless. Not only is it a                                                                                             R=Resident  NR=Non-resident
                                                                fun way to accomplish your                                                                                                 Itty Bitty Division: 4 and 5 years of age
                        Private                                 Workout; exercising in the water,
                        15 minute private         $11R/$13NR    unlike land aerobics, reduces the                                  New! Adult Kick Ball                                     Barcode   Day   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
                        30 minute private         $21R/$26NR    stress on the joints, especially ankles,
                        45 minute private         $32R/$38NR    knees and hips. You can look forward to receiving a whole          Register July 15 – August 19, 2019                       7149    Sat   1/11/20  2/22/20  4 & 5  WS   $76R/$95NR
                        60 minute private         $42R/$51NR    body workout; improving your strength and cardiovascular                                                                   Dribbler Division: 6 and 7 years of age
                                                                endurance as well as your flexibility and balance.                 This is an eight (8) team co-ed league. Participants must be
                        Semi-private          Price per student   Ages 15+. Classes taught at the LPRC pool                        18+ years old. Teams must consist of a minimum of 5 men   Barcode   Day   Start   End  Ages   Location   Fees
                        30 minute semi-private    $16R/$18NR                                                                       and 5 women with a maximum of 18 players on a roster. The
                        45 minute semi-private    $24R/$27NR    R=Resident  NR=Non-resident                                        maximum number of players allowed on the field at one time   7150   Sat   1/11/20  2/22/20  6 & 7  WS   $76R/$95NR
                        60 minute semi-private    $32R/$36NR     Barcode   Days   Start  End   Time   Location   Fees              will be 10 (5 men & 5 women).                           Rookie Division: 8 and 9 years of age
                                                                 7126   M-W    6/3   6/26  6:45-7:30pm  LPRC   $34R/$40NR          Team registrations ONLY, no individual registrations. All team   Barcode   Day   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
         Red Cross Junior Lifeguarding                           7127   M-W    7/8   7/31  6:45-7:30pm  LPRC   $34R/$40NR          paperwork must be completed at the time of               7151   Sat   1/11/20 2/22/20 8 & 9  WC/LES   $76R/$95NR
                                                                                                                                   registration. Register at the Litchfield Park
        Designed for ages 11 to 14, this course helps build a    7128   T,TH   8/6   8/31   7-7:45pm  LPRC   $34R/$40NR            Recreation Center, 100 S Old Litchfield Rd,
        foundation of knowledge, attitudes and skills for future        Sa               9-9:45am                                  Litchfield Park, AZ 85340.                              Junior Division: 10 & 11 years of age
        lifeguards.                                             Drop-ins welcome! $6 per class                                     Games will be played on Sunday 12-5pm                    Barcode   Day   Start   End  Ages   Location   Fees
        Junior Lifeguarding has a strong focus on developing                                                                       at Staggs and Turtle Park.                               7152   Sat   1/11/20  2/22/20  10 & 11  LES   $76R/$95NR
        swimming skills to help participants meet the Lifeguarding   Gentle Water Exercise
        course prerequisites. The course introduces participants to                                                                Fee: $300 per team    Barcode:6988                      Senior Division: 12 to 14 years of age
        lifesaving skills, such as: in-water rescues, use of a rescue   Designed for seniors and older adults, this water aerobics   DATE                EVENT TITLE                        Barcode  Days   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
        tube, first-aid skills, CPR, and how to use an AED. Participants   workout is a blend of cardio and resistance training with no
        will also have the opportunity to shadow lifeguards in rotation   impact to your joints! Water weights and noodles are used   Saturday, August 24   Kick Ball Captains’ Meeting 9am at the   7153   Sat   1/11/20 2/22/20  12-14  WC   $76R/$95NR
        to get a real sense of being on the job.                throughout the course. This is an excellent choice for                                   Litchfield Park Recreation Center
                                                                continuing rehabilitation once physical therapy ends.               Sunday, September 8   First Game Day                   2020  Winter Youth Basketball Schedule
        Course prerequisites:                                   Ages 16+. Classes are taught at the Litchfield Park Recreation      Sunday, September 15   Second Game Day                  DATE                    EVENT TITLE
          Swim the front crawl for a minimum of 25 yards (non-stop)  Center pool.                                                  Sunday, September 22   Third Game Day                   Saturday, November 23, 2019   Basketball Coaches’ Meeting
          Tread water for a minimum of one minute              R=Resident  NR=Non-resident                                         Sunday, September 29   Fourth Game Day                  Saturday, January 11, 2020   First Game Day
          Swim a distance of 10 feet under the water            Barcode   Days   Start   End   Time        Fees                    Sunday, October 6    Fifth Game Day                     Saturday, January 18, 2020   Second Game Day
        Classes taught at the Litchfield Park Recreation Center pool   6978   M/W/F   6/3   6/28   12-12:45pm  $32R/$38NR           Sunday, October 13   Sixth Game Day                     Saturday, January 25, 2020   Third Game Day
                                                                                                                                    Sunday, October 20   Seventh Game Day                   Saturday, February 1, 2020   Fourth Game Day
        R=Resident  NR=Non-resident fees                         6979    M/W/F   7/8   8/2   12-12:45pm  $32R/$38NR
                                                                                                                                    Sunday, October 27   Elimination tournament             Saturday, February 8, 2020   Fifth Game Day
         Barcode   Days   Start   End   Time        Fees         6980    M/W/F   8/5   8/30   10-10:45am  $32R/$38NR
                                                                                                                                    Sunday, November 3   Elimination tournament             Saturday, February 15, 2020   Sixth Game Day
         7125     M-F   7/22   7/26   8-10am     $36R/$43NR      7129    M/W/F   9/4   9/27   10-10:45am  $32R/$38NR                Sunday, November 10   Elimination tournament            Saturday, February 22, 2020   Seventh Game Day
          4                                         623-935-9040                                                                                      Register online at                                                9
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