Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter February 2018
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Important Dates                                            Teacher’s Corner

     Tuesday, February 13                                       Healthy Classroom Challenge 1 Mile
         Adventures in Learning class Valentine’s Day Party
                                                                Fun Run/Walk
     Wednesday, February 14
        ABC AM and ABC PM  Valentine’s Day Party                Yay! The Litchfield Park Preschool is participating in
                                                                the 2018 Kiwanis Litchfield Park Run Healthy
     Thursday, February 15                                      Classroom Challenge on Saturday, February 24,
        March Tuition is Due                                    2018. Your child’s registration form is attached to this
                                                                newsletter. While participation is not mandatory, it is
     Friday, February 16                                        encouraged. The entry fee is $10 per preschooler.
        Teacher In-Service, No School                           Parents and siblings are invited to participate by
                                                                registering and remitting $10 for each registrant.
     Monday, February 19                                        Please turn in your registration form(s) and check
        Presidents’ Day, No School                              payment to Ms. Seye by Friday, February 16.

     Weekly Themes                                              Details
                                                                    Preschoolers arrive at 7:30am to meet with Ms.
                                                                    Seye and friends before the race begins at 8am.
     February 5 - February 9                                       Each pre-registered participant will receive an
        Community Helpers                                           event t-shirt and participation ribbon!
        Letter of the Week: Review H-N                             We have a chance to win a fun party I F  our
                                                                    preschool class has the most overall registrations*
     February 12 - 16                                               (includes family members that register and pay).
        Love and Friendship                                        The winning class wins a USDA approved “Smart
        Letter of the Week: O, o                                    Snacks in School” pizza party!
     February 19 - 23                                              The 2nd and 3rd most registrations each win a
        Pajama Week                                                 USDA approved “Smart Snacks in School” ice
        Letter of the Week: P, p                                    cream party!
                                                                   Winning classes will be announced on Saturday,
     February 26 - March 2                                          February 24 right after the run!
        Doctor Seuss
        Letter of the Week: Q, q                                *Classes must have a minimum of 10 entries in order to be eligible
                                                                for a party.
     Spirit / Show & Tell                                       Arizona PBS Kids Day

     February 7 and 8
         Bring in a picture or draw a community helper
        (A community helper is any person who helps with
        our health and overall well-being. Examples include
        dentists, doctors, construction workers, first
        responders, teachers, etc.)

     February 14 and 15
         Valentine cards for your friends
     February 21 and 22
         Bring in your favorite stuffed animal
     February 28 and March 1
         Silly sock day (mismatched, polka dots, stripes,
        one low sock with one high sock)                        Kids and families are invited to Arizona PBS Kids Day
     Contact Information                                        at Civic Space Park (424 N. Central Ave., Phoenix,
                                                                Arizona, 85004) in downtown Phoenix for activities,

      Ms. Seye White                                            story time and fun. Say hello to PBS Kids’ friends like
                                                                Clifford the Big Red Dog, Daniel Tiger and Katerina
      Litchfield Park Preschool                                 Kittycat, Word Girl, Curious George, Peg + Cat, and
      100 S Old Litchfield Rd.                                  more at this free family event.
      Litchfield Park Arizona
      623-935-9040                                              Admission is free but registration is required at:                      
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