Page 3 - January - March, 2018 CityLine
P. 3
2018 Flag Ceremonies
8:15am City Hall Front Lawn, Reception to follow
Merchant Marine 80th Founder’s Day March 15
Flag Raising Ceremony: Thursday, March 15
US Army Day 243rd Birthday June 14 (also Flag Day)
Flag Raising Ceremony: Thursday, June 14
US Coast Guard 228th Birthday August 4
Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, August 3
by Carolyn Schenk US Air Force 71st Birthday September 18
Flag Raising Ceremony: Tuesday, September 18
US Navy Day 243rd Birthday October 13
Tips Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, October 12
Begin the New Year by being organized. Make a photo copy of your Marine Corps 243rd Birthday November 10
wallet’s contents and store in a safe place at home. If your wallet Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, November 9
is lost or stolen, you will have a quick reference to the information
you were carrying. Referring to your copy makes it easier to cancel
credit cards and replace your driver’s license, etc. Holiday Offi ce Closures
Tidbits City Hall, Magistrate Court &
Looking for a new place to walk and visit in the City? On October Recreation Center
28, 2017, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church located at 400 S. Old
Litchfield Road, dedicated their labyrinth [lab-uh-rinth]. The President’s Day
history of the labyrinth goes back 5,000 years or more. A labyrinth Monday, February 19, 2018
is a walking meditation, a path of prayer and an archetypal
blueprint where psyche meets Spirit. It has only one path that leads from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center. It is a beautiful
place to visit and reflect. Make it a point to visit this new addition to our City.
Dearest Dad,
I am coming home to get married soon, so get your checkbook out. I’m in love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am
in Australia and he lives in Scotland. We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook, and had long chats on Whatsapp. He
proposed to me on Skype and now we’ve had two months of a relationship through Viber. My beloved Dad, I need your blessing, good
wishes, and a really big wedding. Love, your daughter, Lilly
My Dear Daughter,
Like WOW! Really? Cool! Whatever… I suggest you two get married on Twitter, have fun on Tango, buy your kids on Amazon, and
pay for it all through PayPal. And, when you get fed up with your new husband, sell him on eBay. Love, Your Dad
… and a Quote
The more a man knows, the more he forgives. Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia 1762-1796
TOM SCHOAF, Mayor ANN DONAHUE, Council Member
PAUL FAITH, Vice Mayor PETER MAHONEY, Council Member
TIM BLAKE, Council Member JEFF RAIBLE, Council Member
JOHN ROMACK, Council Member
PUBLISHED BY: City of Litchfield Park EDITOR: Chris Weaver DESIGNED & PRINTED BY: EZ Web Printing, LC
litchfi Jan-Mar 2018 Issue | 3