Page 5 - January - March, 2018 CityLine
P. 5
Yoga in the Park, taught by Yoga Alliance Instructor Gina Library Book Sale
McElroy, focuses on learning breathing techniques to ease Saturday and Sunday, March 3 and 4
stress and strengthen your body and mind in a positive and fun The Friends of Litchfield Park Library will hold a used book sale
environment! Register now for the March 2018 sessions that in their Community Room from 9-5pm on Saturday, March 3 and
will be held on four (4) consecutive Saturdays starting March from 9-3pm on Sunday, March 4, 2018. The sale includes non-
3 on the Library lawn. Register online at for fiction and fiction hardbacks, paperbacks and media items. Fiction
individual adult yoga and in the lobby for family yoga.
selections include literary, crime, romance, historical, sci-fi, fantasy,
• Yoga in the Park Adult and children’s. Non-fiction includes history, biography, art, science,
Individual/March 3-24, spiritual, military, cookery and food, travel, sports, self-help, large
2018/10am-11am print, lifestyles and crafts, and collectibles. Electronics include
DVD, CDs and book tapes. The hardbacks are $1, paperbacks
• Yoga in the Park $.50, media $1 each. Specialty items and collectibles will be priced
Family/March 3-24, separately. All items are half price on Sunday. All profits are
donated to the library to fund programs for children and adults.
Questions? 623-935-9040 Donations of gently-used books and electronics are welcome and
can be dropped off at the library prior to March 2, 2018. Call
Community Garage Sale Susan at 623-935-4403 if you have any questions concerning the
sale. Please support the Litchfield Park Library. See you in March!
Saturday, April 14
On Saturday, April 14, 2018, during the hours of 7am-5pm, the City April Pools Day!
of Litchfield Park is encouraging a city-wide Community Garage Saturday, April 7
Sale. Litchfield Park residents who live within the city limits and The Litchfield Park Recreation Center's outdoor heated swimming
wish to participate, are encouraged to set up a garage sale at their pool will open on Saturday, April 7, 2018. On Saturday, from 1pm
own home. This is an opportunity to recycle items that you no to 5pm, you are invited to attend the grand reopening with a pool
longer have a use for and that someone else may need. Questions? party. Admission is free and activity highlights include music,
Call 623-935-9040. food, raffle prizes, and family games. Our Aquatics Department is
• Time is from 7am-5pm "springing into summer" with a full aquatic class schedule including
• A city-issued garage sale permit is not required for this event group youth swim lessons, private swim lessons, tune-up clinics for
rcise classes. Questions? Call
• All other sign requirements apply (see below) summer swim team, and water exercise classes. Questions? Call
• No rain date will be scheduled 623-935-9040.
Signage Requirements
• Maximum sign size is 2 ft. x 2 ft.
• Signs are to be affixed to a stake and placed in the ground.
• No sign may be: (a) affixed to a utility pole; (b) affixed to a
City tree; (c) placed in such a way as to obstruct the view of
pedestrians or street traffic
• Signs may be posted one day in advance on Friday, April 13,
and must be removed at dusk on Saturday, April 14, 2018
• Reminder: The City does not supply signs to residents
If you would like to have your address listed on the Litchfield Park
website so people will know you are having a sale, please email your
address to Tricia Kramer at Listing
your address is strictly voluntary.
Spring Art & Wine Festival
Saturday and Sunday, March 3 and 4
Save the date! Great food, live music, fine art vendors, and much
more! Eventgoers enjoy over 200 art booths, a beer and wine
garden serving local microbrews and tastings from Arizona wineries
and microbreweries, live music, entertainment, and a variety of
appetizing food and beverage choices. Join us on Saturday and
Sunday, March 3 and 4, each day from 9am until 5pm in downtown
Litchfield Park. Free parking and admission. Additional event
information is available online at or 623-935-9040.
litchfi Jan-Mar 2018 Issue | 5