Page 2 - March 2015 P&H Newsletter
P. 2
Trade Are Trade Shows • The average attendee spends 8.3
Show Going the Way of hours viewing trade show exhibits
Mania the Pay Telephone?? at a show or exhibition. That gives
you plenty of opportunity to con-
SContributed by Susan Fuller-Sutherland B2B exhibitions were 39.2% of B2B nect with your target audience.
pring and summer are the marketing budgets, the largest
time of year that most of amount of any other marketing • About 50% of the largest 200
the trade show events are channel. That number has held shows in the USA take place in
scheduled, primarily be- fairly steady over the past several just 3 cities: Las Vegas, Chicago,
cause it’s hard to fit golfing into years, demonstrating the resil- and Orlando.
the schedule for the events in the ience of trade shows.
winter months. 99%
This year, our P&H Sales team are • 81% of trade show attendees
scheduled to participate in the have buying authority. Which of marketers said they found
neighborhood of 18 trade show means more than 4 out of 5 unique value from trade shows
events that include events geared people walking the aisles are po- they did not get from other mar-
to the retail industry, food equip- tential customers for exhibitors. keting mediums. Their 3 most
ment manufacturers and food valued aspects of trade shows
service companies, woodworking, • 78% of trade show attendees were:
horticulture, and material han- travel more than 400 miles to at-
dling. Attendance at trade shows, tend an exhibition, which means • the ability to see lots of pros-
and participation in trade shows you are getting a national audi- pects and customers at the
is still one of the primary market- ence at many trade shows. same time
ing/sales channels for companies
that engage in primarily B2B sales The P&H Sales team have •
(P&H Casters). also attended: • more informal face-to-face
The two shows featured in this is-
sue include ProMat 2015 and Expo NAFEM meetings with prospects and
ANTAD 2015. GlobalShop customers
ProMat is a show geared toward •
companies that engaged in pro- Ben Heyen will soon be at- • the ability to meet with a
viding services and equipment tending the National Res- variety of players face to face,
for the supply chain, distribution taurant Association Show! such as customers, suppliers,
and materials handling functions resellers, etc.
of many industries: logistics and
freight, warehousing and the back
end operations of many other
types of businesses.
Expo ANTAD caters to retailers
and suppliers.

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