Page 16 - Graypvine December 2020
P. 16


                               with Trey Griffith
                               Director, Quality

              Purpose: I know I have written about this topic                   “Much like our purpose
            before in a previous article, but this is a subject that I   statement says, the focus of
            really feel we need to focus on for the future. What’s
            your purpose when you get up in the morning? Is it       Quality is to have an intention
            to be the best version of you that you can be? Is it       when we start our next task.
            to make sure that you do a good job at work today?           With that in mind, we want
            I would like to think you would answer yes to both
            questions, and if that’s the case, you must put some           to introduce a new saying

     16     simple things in place to ensure you are going to do     from our Quality front: “Know
            your best.
              Much like our purpose statement says to “make a                             Before You GO!”
            difference in people’s lives by creating unforgettable
            customer experiences and great projects,” the         all the information you have available before you make
            focus of Quality is to have an intention when we start   a decision to review a submittal or contract, or before
            our next task. With that in mind, we want to introduce   you can review what’s being put in place on the jobsite.
            a new saying from our Quality front: “Know Before       Soon we’ll be sending the graphic shown below to
            You GO!” This is pictured as a “field” type of thinking   all of our jobsites, and we ask that it be posted in the
            in our new graphic, but it truly translates to all our   trailer for everyone to see. The perfect place for this
            respective positions in the company. You must know    would be above the plan table or on a wall next to the
            all the available information for your task before you   table where our coordination meetings are held (once
            begin the next step. For example, before you walk     we get back to normal of course). Our primary goal is
            out of the trailer to look at an item one of our trade   to get these posters up in the main area of the trailer
            partners is installing, you’ll need to know the three   for all to see and be reminded of the new saying daily.
            basic documents of your project: spec, drawing and    So the next time you leave the trailer, or move on to
            submittals. You can apply the Know Before You Go!     the next detail, or start that scope of work… whatever
            Principle to your daily activities. It’s necessary to know   your purpose is... Know Before You GO!
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