Page 23 - 2021 Willett Engineering Benefits Guide
P. 23

Quick Contact Details:
            Your Wealth              ESOP                                  Gray’s Benefits team in the
                                                                           Human Resources department

            Employee Stock

            Ownership Plan

            Did you know Gray is 30% employee owned? As a
            proud owner of Gray, you will share in the success of
            the company by earning additional income for retirement
            and acquiring beneficial ownership interest.

            What is an ESOP?                  Who runs Gray’s ESOP?

            Gray’s ESOP is one of our most
            exciting benefits! It’s a qualified
            retirement plan governed by
            ERISA (IRS, Department of Labor)            Trustee              Third Party Administrator
            that provides team members                  The Trustee oversees the   Maintains the ESOP records and
            with ownership in Gray, thus                ESOP for the exclusive   produces participant statements
            sharing in the capital growth and           benefit of participants
            dividends of the company. It’s
            also an effective tool for business
            ownership succession planning.                        Administrator        Independent Valuation Firm
                                                                  Gray’s Board of Directors  Completes annual
                                                                                       valuation of stock

            How does Gray’s ESOP work?

                    Gray established       Gray makes a           As the ESOP makes      When you leave the
                    an ESOP and            contribution to the    its loan payment,      company, you receive
                    loaned it money to     ESOP each year so it can   participants are   the value of the
                    buy 30% of the company’s   make its loan payment.   allocated shares in   vested portion of
                    stock in two separate   (NO team member       their account.         your ESOP account.
                    transactions.          funds are required.)

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