Page 25 - 2021 Willett Engineering Benefits Guide
P. 25

Quick Contact Details:
            Your Wealth              ESOP                                  Gray’s Benefits team in the
                                                                           Human Resources department

            When will I become eligible to participate?                       How long before
                                                                              stock is vested?

            Below is an example of when participation in the ESOP             ESOP plans are designed to reward
            takes effect. For more details on eligibility, refer to page 23.  long-term team members and therefore
                                                                              have a 5-year vesting schedule.

                                                         8/31/2024                     Vesting Schedule

                                            1/1/2023                                      Year of Service*
                             8/5/2022                     Statement               Less than 2 years    0%
                                           Join ESOP
               8/5/2021          1 year                                           2 years             40%
                                                                                  3 years
                 Hired                                                            4 years             80%
                                                                                  5 or more years    100%

                                                                                  *YOS = 1,000 hours within a calendar year

            When will I receive additional ESOP statements?

            An estimated timeline is below.

                1/31/2025           4/30/2025            5/31/2025            7/15/2025           7/31/2025
               W-2s completed,      Valuation finalized   Verify compensation,   Required testing   ESOP statements
                census data          and approved       hours worked, vesting   finalized &        are generated
                 finalized &          by Trustee.         new hires/rehires,   financial audit       & mailed.
              submitted to TPA.                          Dividends paid on      complete.
                                                          prior yr. balances,
                                                          interest paid on
                                                          prior year cash.

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