Page 15 - UK Standard Products Catalogue 2018_23.10.18
P. 15

Mixing products to optimise large installations.
          Valmont offers an extensive range of products covering a  myriad of applications.  This great range of options make it possible
          for design teams to realize their vision with an unparalleled degree of fidelity.

          Think about a large installation such as a hospital, here we encounter multiple areas with varying uses.  Entrance roads,
          refuse areas (for waste / rubbish / recycling), car parks (staff / visitor), social spaces for patients, main entrance, drop off
          points, children’s play areas must all be addressed.

          In the past, it was a common practice to select a single mid-ranged product and roll it out across the breadth of a project.
          While this method is effective, it is far from efficient.  Mixity offers an alternative approach. If we are sensitive to the context of
          each area we can select “value added” solutions only where beneficial and lower calibre options in low traffic areas.

          In our approach we maximise the use of “low end” and “high end” solutions with a sensitive consideration to the installation
          areas... Installing an anodized aluminium pole in refuse areas, waste? Using a stepped tubular galvanised finish pole in refuse
          areas, logical?

          This approach is not ground breaking, but the prospect of dealing with multiple suppliers for individual products can be seen
          as high risk.  Valmont offers you the opportunity to channel all of these products via a single source supplier bringing this
          added value approach within reach....

              Wood Columns:             Aluminium Columns:           Bespoke Columns:           Galvanised Step
              Entrance roads to site    Car parks, access            Main Entrances, exits,     Tubular Columns:
              and to main building      roads, drop off points       social spaces, and         Refuse areas (for
                                                                     children’s play areas.     waste / rubbish /
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