Page 25 - FM_Playbook
P. 25
• Operators should be limited to the amount of extraneous material that is allowed on the line. Traceability of materials, like pens, zip ties, goggles, etc., to the operator should be evaluated.
• PPE,zipties,andothermaterialslocatedinhigh risk/production areas, should be evaluated for metal detection.
• All materials allowed in a production area should be identifiable, signed out/registered, tethered (if possible), have a designated area, and part of the pre- and post-inspection checklist
2A. No extraneous materials on line (if needed, metal detectable scoops, pitchers, pens) - Our production sites to find utensils, PPE and other like materials when receiving products from our suppliers. It is recommended that
materials that are in high risk/open product areas be restricted and evaluated.
Plastic Pen Metal Detectable Pen
Plastic Zip Tie
Metal Detectable Zip Tie