Page 44 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 44
The Boat Works yard – mid-sixties (Bottom Left)
We didn’t do it ourselves this time! Did you know? The New Year’s Eve Bash in 1967 with members dressed in period
1867 attire to celebrate Canada’s Centennial year. (Above Right)
For the fi rst time in the Club’s history, the new was fi nanced by membership loans in the amount of $300 • In 1965 a Visitor’s Dock was completed, making • A more comprehensive newsletter was launched in 1967
Clubhouse was not built by members but of course, they or larger. The facility boasted a warm and inviting fi replace, PCYC the fi rst club on the lake to maintain a designated with the fi rst issue containing a “Name the Newsletter”
did raise the money to do so! A number of locations fi ne dining room, casual dining facilities, washrooms with visitor’s docking area. Contest. Suggestions included:
were considered but the snug harbour we’d occupied showers for visiting sailors, and a beautiful outdoor patio.
An aerial view of the Lakeshore and Port Credit Harbour • By 1966, membership had climbed to 500 members. Spin Drift Port Credit Memo Ship’s Wheel
since the very beginning won out, and the new brick and The Clubhouse was offi cially opened on September around 1967. (Above Left) Points of the Compass Mooring Lines The Credit Log
cedar Clubhouse was constructed on the south side of 10th, 1966 with member Tom Coppick’s power cruiser • In 1967, a number of members motored or sailed Sail-Power – from the Mouth of the Credit Nautical News P.C.Y.C. Gossip... and many more.
PCYC Open Regatta Day 1962 (Above Right)
the mooring basin. PCYC club members would enjoy the Missil V guiding the red ribbon from Dock A to the new down to Montreal to enjoy Expo 67. What an awesome Gas & Wind – for Power & Sail News Ahoy The Winner was… you know… CREDIT NOTES.
Name the Newsletter May 1967 and the fi rst time Credit Notes
beautiful new, year-round facility for the next 24 years patio. Paul J. Phellan, President of the Canadian view that must have been from the water… and
appears in print in the June issue! (Bottom)
until our move to Lakefront Promenade. Yachting Association, cut the ribbon with gold scissors no parking issues!
All Decked Out! (Page 42 Top Left)
Built at a cost of $175,000, the 7,000 square foot building and declared the new PCYC open for enjoyment! Proudly fl ying their colours, our boats head out for Sailpast 1969.
42 The 1960s Port Credit Yacht Club History 43