Page 82 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
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Oh, what a party! Other notable
events of the 2000’s
The 2000’s saw exceptional growth at our new location
with total membership in all classes topping 800 and a
waiting list for docks for the fi rst time at our new • In 2004 PCYC assisted by our neighbours, the
location. While it’s always been true that some members Mississauga Sailing Club, hosted the 12th Wayfarer Worlds
leave each year, PCYC attracted an increasing number of with visiting boats from Denmark, Ireland, the US and
new members and the face of the club changed from a even the Isle of Man. Regatta Chair, John Weakley had it
“sailing club” to a yacht club. all in hand and visitors were truly impressed with PCYC.
Parties and events were held on a year round basis,
attendance was generally excellent and many of the events • PCYC’s Mike Wolfs and his partner, Ross Macdonald
raised needed monies for our Learn to Sail program. from Vancouver sailed brilliantly to clinch the Silver
The Pig Roast, organized in 1999 by Don Hrehorsky Medal in the Star Fleet at these 2004 Olympic Games.
was so popular it was continued as an annual tradition
until 2008. A fun event for children of all ages, it also • Generous donations from members funded a new
attracted some well known celebrities, such as Miss children’s play area – the FriendShip Playground which
Piggy and Elvis. opened in 2006 and is another of our key attractions to
The winter months can be long and rough on boaters! member and visiting families.
The annual Margarita Mania party lifted those winter
blahs as the Lakeshore Rooms were transformed to • On June 12, 2006 after 43 years of service, the “Four
a Caribbean paradise and the Phaithful Phlocked to a Sisters” stacks of the Lakeview Generating station were
relaxed state of mind. brought down by explosives in a controlled demolition…
Cruising became a year round event with January and we had ring-side seats. The building itself came
cruises to Niagara wineries and casinos. Long distance down the following year, improving our view!
cruises during peak summer vacation extended the
parties and members formed lasting friendships as they • Derek Hatfi eld says he got his taste for single handed
travelled together from port to port. racing at PCYC. He started sailing the Lake Ontario
Single Handed Racing Series aboard Gizmo his J 28.
Miss Piggy (Above) During the preparations for his fi rst two around the
Thanksgiving Cruise 2010 (Below) world races, Spirit of Canada was berthed at PCYC.
Four Sisters
Going, going, gone. The demolition of the Four Sisters in 2006 marked
the end of an era not to mention a great aid to navigation!
80 The 2000s Port Credit Yacht Club History 81