Page 86 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 86
The Commodore’s yacht is the only yacht fully dressed
with the International Code flags. Code flags flying from
The annual Sailpast at PCYC signals the official
the club flagpole, spell W-A-Y., This is a time honoured
beginning of the yachting season and is a tradition
tradition wishing boats “going to sea” - fair winds, good
we’ve enjoyed since our early beginnings. Sailpast is
sailing and a safe return.
based on the nautical tradition that when you meet
your superior at sea, you are required to render the
normal “naval salute” by dipping the ensign and waiting
for the response. In and around yacht clubs, this can
become a nuisance with so many boats on the lake in
and around a popular club. It was decided a long time
A final part of the tradition is that if you miss Sailpast
ago that it would be better to condense this tradition
you must buy the Commodore a bottle of his or her
into one ceremonial salute at the beginning of the
favourite. If the weather is inclement and it’s deemed
boating season instead of saluting at every meeting.
dangerous for boats to leave the harbour, as has
The annual Sailpast was thus created. At PCYC, our
happened a few times in our past, the Commodore
Sailpast tradition has also included the blessing of the
tours the harbour in a dinghy or club boat and members
fleet along with a parade of club boats. It’s a day of fun
salute from their docked boats. The parade is followed
and enjoyment for the whole family.
by a reception and BBQ dinner.
The morning begins with a church style naval service
and the blessing of the fleet, christenings of individual
yachts and is followed by a luncheon. After lunch, the
entire fleet along with certain invited dignitaries
assemble at pre-designated locations out in the lake for
a programmed parade before the Commodore, who is
anchored, to take the individual salutes.
84 The Way We Are Port Credit Yacht Club History 85