Page 88 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 88

The Commodore’s Ball                                                  The Commodore’s Award for                                                               In the Club & Community                                               Ye Olde Wassail Bowl

                                                                                   Outstanding Contribution
             In the past, spring time was ushered in at the Port Credit Yacht Club with an annual party,                                                                  • The many fund-raising events held by the First Mates allow them to purchase items to   The Wassail Bowl tradition at PCYC goes back many years. It takes place every year in
             generally in conjunction with launching. In the days of the first two Clubhouses, this was                                                                    enhance the club as well as support needy charities and local community groups.  early December following the Annual General Meeting.
             one of the few occasions of the year when women were allowed on the premises! After   In, 2006 Commodore Don Lounsbury started a new tradition with the Commodore’s                                                                  Wassail Bowl is an event where all members are invited to meet the new Board of
             the relaxation of the rules and later at the 25th anniversary in 1961, Commodore Green   Award for Outstanding Contribution. At PCYC there are many members who volunteer   • For over 25 years, PCYC in conjunction with the Rotary Club have hosted an Easter Seals   Directors, and drink a toast to each other’s good health. Dinner and dancing follow.
             arranged to have an anniversary party which was the forerunner of the Commodore’s Ball.   incredible amount of their time for the benefit of the Club – serving on committees,   Kids cruise in mid-August.  In 2010, over 82 generous PCYC members and 6 Rotarians   Wassail is a greeting, meaning “Be in good health!”. Its roots all seem to point
             Commodores from various yacht clubs around the lake were invited to this party. Thereafter,   organizing events, decorating, gardening…the list goes on and on. Typically these   donated their time and 34 yachts, plus the Peel Marine Police Unit and Staff to host 133   towards Great Britain, but the stories are many. One custom in olde England is that the
             the Commodore held an annual Spring party. In 1967, Commodore Gollings held the first   individuals don’t look for recognition and the Commodore felt that the annual    Easter Seals children and their families on the water for a few glorious hours. It’s a day   host proclaims, “Wassail,” to which all reply, “Drink hail.” Then the cup is past with a
             official party in the new Clubhouse in our location at the mouth of the Credit River. And, in   Commodore’s Ball would be a very appropriate time to take the opportunity to    truly enjoyed by all!                               kiss to the next person and it continues until all have drank from it. This later became
             1991 Commodore Donald Cooper hosted the first event in our newly completed Clubhouse   recognize their efforts and say thank you on behalf of the entire membership. Past                                                           known as “the loving cup” with the introduction of Christianity.
             at Lakefront Promenade.                                               winners of this award include Ian and Marilea McAllister, Jane and Paul Messenger,                                                                             Wassail is associated with caroling too, so it’s a great start to the Christmas holiday season.
                                                                                   Mark Searle, Jim and Sue Currey, John and Margaret Williams and Robin Ball.
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