Page 4 - CCNB Annual Report 2022
P. 4

  Welcome from the Chair
This last year has been immensely challenging across our communities. This included learning to live with COVID, dealing with the impacts of extraordinary flooding and adhering to rapidly changing regulatory environments in our sector. There is one thing we can say with certainty about the future - more change and challenge lies ahead!
In recognising this enormously difficult environment, I am extremely proud of our CCNB team who maintained focus on providing safe and uninterrupted services across our community.
It is just not possible without great people to deliver these outcomes. So I would like to provide a massive thanks to all our people – our staff, our volunteers, our providers, our partners, our management team, and my fellow Board members (who are also volunteers) - for everything they have done to look after our customers and organisation during this time.
In particular, I would like to thank Gary Jacobson who served as our CEO over 6 years, Cecile Cooper who served on our Board for 13 years mostly as Chair and our other departed Board members Dr Stephen Ginsborg and Dr Sue Craig.
Guiding the organisation through the endless pandemic required strong stewardship and clinical governance and I am extremely grateful for the huge amount of work that was done to protect all our stakeholders and our community.
Strong Service Delivery and Community Impact
Despite all these challenges, we have been able to deliver over 100,000 hours of service to over 2,000 customers, with the support of over 200 providers. These are incredible achievements by our team.
Our Community Capital Foundation (CCF) continued to assist local grass-roots organisations through its grant award programs and skills workshops enabling them to build capacity for a sustainable future.
Similarly, The Groundswell Project and Dying to Know Day reached a growing audience with heightened education on the importance of end-of-life planning and being 'death positive'.
We fostered community engagement and participation through the wonderful work of our volunteers and the further development of our 'Belong Club'. The Belong Club continued to assist the elderly in our community by reducing the impacts of social isolation experienced by many through the pandemic by providing an opportunity to participate in online and

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