Page 4 - Water of Life Infant Baptism
P. 4

  Growing in faith is a journey
Every great journey is made of small steps.
This booklet is peppered with ‘small-steps’ for expressing Christian faith in the home. Even before being able to walk or talk your child is absorbing the spirit and values of their environment: this is a home where God is praised, where people are loved, where gospel values are shared.
One important step is to pray for your child. Prayer doesn’t have to be wordy or complicated. A brief prayer from the heart is a beautiful prayer. In this booklet you will
find a number of ‘single-sentence’ prayers, often based on scripture or the baptism ritual.
Pray often as you anticipate your child’s baptism day. In fact, why not pause right now, and pray the prayer on this page.
A prayer for our child
Loving God, Creator of all,
bless and strengthen our little one, [Name],
as our family prepares for his/her baptism.
N. is your gift to us, and your gift to the world.
Through our love and care
may N. always know how precious he/she is to you, how much you delight in him/her.
May the light of Christ be a light to N. and all our children.
May the waters of baptism continually fill them with your life.
Help them to grow in strength to be able to choose what is good and true. May they grow up surrounded by people who love them
and who love you.
Send your Holy Spirit, to wrap N. and all our children in love, to protect them from all harm, and fill them with peace.
Pray this prayer at home as you get ready for your child’s day of Baptism.

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