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Dear Colleagues,
The Executive has been working very hard in collaboration with the Board to get some major milestones across the line over the last 12 months. All 13 members have been working diligently to help the progression of our profession.
Firstly, I would like to extend my gratitude to Andrea Hunt, our Administrative Officer, for her commitment to ANZCP. She is the glue to our college, enabling it to run and function successfully without skipping a beat. Andrea is extremely dedicated and hard-working. I take my hat off to Andrea and her persistently top-class can- do attitude with any task she is entrusted with.
Under the typical definition of Secretary, their natural jurisdiction of duties involves ‘dealing with mail and phone calls, keeping records, and arranging meetings with people.’ However, within ANZCP these duties lie with the Administrative Officer. Moving forward, under stewardship from the Executive and in alignment with our shared goal highlighted this past year, the role of Secretary will transform towards creating efficiency and collaboration between the Administration Officer and Secretary workloads.
I want to congratulate the tremendous effort by the Executive and Board to get our NASRHP application across the line. We have pushed hard this year, committing more hours than usual to meet hard deadlines and produce a range of policies and documents that were required. This was a significant achievement for the College, as we work towards our goal of professional registration. Our two newest Executive members Rose Belbin and Camilla Hand have both stepped up to their roles throughout the demanding application process. It is great to have their new perspectives and fresh ideas on the Executive. Their willingness to share their opinions and collaborate have significantly embedded a renewed way of thinking to the Executive.
With the success of 3SCTS in November 2022, we are delighted to announce its permanent return as a three- yearly conference program. This was announced in the 3SCTS special edition Gazette, which highlighted main events and successes of the program. 3SCTS is set to be held again in November 2025 in Sydney. ANZCA and CTVP SIG, alongside ANZCP, have been selected to host the International Congress of Cardiovascular ANZCA and CTVP SIG, alongside ANZCP, have
been selected to host the International Congress of Cardiovascular Anaesthesia (ICCVA), at the second 3SCTS meeting. This is an honour for our college and the future of our profession.
I encourage you to continue to share your stories, articles, successes, and other perfusion related experiences to our gazette. The gazette remains as our opportunity to share knowledge among our peers. It importantly is the only Australian and New Zealand based, wide-spread, virtual communication booklet, so please continue to contribute so we can remain up to date with one another.
I will also take this opportunity to share that being a part of our Executive for the past three years has been extremely rewarding and one of my proudest achievements. I am, however, taking a break from the Executive and will pass this honour over to someone new, with their own passion and vision for the role, hoping that they feel as empowered and supported to create meaningful impact for our profession, just as I have. Don’t be afraid to put your hand up. I first nominated myself for the Registrar position after being a qualified CCP for less than a month. My personal growth has sky rocketed. It has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my perfusion career thus far. Take a leap of faith and put your name forward.
I will continue to help our community with my role in organizing our 2024 ASM and 3SCTS 2025. The skills I have learnt from being on the organizing and scientific committees previously, have been invaluable.
I will end my current Executive tenure with my head held high and ready to pass on the Secretary role to the next enthusiastic perfusionist, ready to mould the position into their own. I want to personally thank all members of the past and present Executive, Board, and Sub-committees who I have had the privilege of collaborating with and achieving some amazing milestones for ANZCP. We should all take great comfort knowing that our profession will continue to thrive due to the willingness and commitment of our members who volunteer their time and expertise to the various positions in the College.
Please reach out if you have questions or would like to learn about the role of the Executive or the Board.
I wish you well into the New Year of 2024,
Britney Westbrook CCP, FANZCP
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