Page 143 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 143

􏰃*7843&1 􏰃74+*88.43&1.82 ? Session J.3
TOPIC: Five key tips for sales success.
AIM: To identify, note and remember five key tips for ongoing sales success.
KEY POINTS: 􏰘􏰓 Don’t prejudge your customers.
J.3–1of 4
     • When meeting new customers, 574+*88.43&1 Sales Consultants:
– Don’tprejudgeorattempttoformanopiniononthevalueof&3>customer.
– Meet 100% of customers with the same warm, professional standard of greeting
and give a high-quality presentation/demonstration *;*7>9.2*􏰈
• When meeting new customers, 5447 Sales Consultants will:
– Wonder if they are a serious buyer.
– Often have a disagreeable opinion on the customer’s dress or appearance.
– Dislike their initial manner and body language.
– Dismiss the person’s ability to purchase because of their young age or any
number of other reasons they choose.
Poor Sales Consultants then subconsciously ask themselves: “How much of my time and effort will I give this person?”
Remember: Y our customers 034< when you’ re prejudging them. They don’t like it and it severely reduces your sales opportunities.
􏰙􏰓 Always build rapport with your customers.
– People buy from people they like.
– If your customers don’t like you, they’ll only remain to see how much discount
they can get out of you.
– Never stop building rapport throughout the entire sales process &3) during
ongoing owner follow-up calls as well.
– Ask key lifestyle questions during test drives and show an interest in what
interests 9-*2􏰈
– Don’t be discouraged if customers don’t appear to like you immediately.
Win them over during your presentation.
􏰚􏰓 Always build VALUE in your cars.
– The definition of “to sell” is:
To build faith, confidence and belief in the ;&1:* of your product.
– If you 89&79 talking discount/price at the outset, you never move on􏰈

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