Page 38 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 38

-4<7442 $&10􏰌.3 􏰄36:.7> ? Session A.8
A.8–1 of 3
The importance of understanding ‘Feature-Benefit- Advantage’ explanations during a vehicle presentation.
To focus the attention of Sales Consultants on:
– The need to continuously investigate, learn and become comfortable explaining the key technical +*&9:7*8 of your models, their '*3*+.98 to customers and their &);&39&,* over competitor models.
– The need to engage in regular practise exercises to remain professional in matching model +*&9:7*8 to specific customer 3**)8 and clearly explaining their '*3*+.98 and &);&39&,*8.
   KEY POINTS: • During a vehicle presentation, your objective is to build maximum value in the car by highlighting features that meet the customer’s motoring ‘wants and needs’.
• These ‘wants and needs’ will vary from customer to customer so it is important to develop and maintain a broad understanding of the key features of each model in the range, if not by memory, certainly by awareness and the ability to locate explanations quickly in your Advantages manual.
• Remember, a ‘feature’ is not valuable to a customer unless you explain its ‘benefit’ to them. And, if opposition models also offer that ‘feature/benefit’, then it is important to know the ‘advantage’ your car enjoys over the others, (eg., ease of operation, low maintenance, longevity, stylish appearance).
• If you don’t clearly investigate your customer’s ‘needs’ by questioning, you can end up spending a lot of time explaining a ‘feature’ (one >4: might find interesting and valuable) that they may never use, or deem of little value. The result will be their belief that they are wasting money. This becomes counter productive to your value-building objective. 􏰏4(:8 43 <-&9 >4:7 (:8942*7 +**18 .8 .25479&39.
END RESULT: • Sales staff will comfortably, quickly and knowledgeably be able to match their customer’s motoring needs to the corresponding features of the vehicle. Value can then be maximised by outlining the full benefits to the customer of these features and any specific advantages over competitors (should these competitors be mentioned in conversation).

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