Page 4 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 4

Operating Scope of the Individual Sales Consultant
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– Dress code
– Manners towards customers
– Nametag/Notebook on person
– Offer tea/coffee/water
– Ask questions
– Note the responses in notebook
– Showroom vehicle presentation
– Show engine & discuss After Sales support
– Build value in the product
– Introduce Senior sales person
– Demonstrate on road (copy licence)
– Offer/load CD/digital music – demonstrate sound system
– Build rapport
– Summary product close
– Introduce to F & I person
– Ask for the order
– Obtain follow-up details
– Report to Manager for debriefing
– Regularly follow up current owners
– Prospect for new business
– Attend training
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– Personality
– Ability to build rapport
– Body language skills
– Ability to recognise the customer’s
personality type & pace it – Product knowledge;
own product and competitors’ – Negotiating skills
– Sense of humour
– Work ethic
– Ability to operate under pressure
– Personal time management
– Quality of Evidence Manuals
– Attitude to team unity
– Personal presentation & grooming – Loyalty to the Dealership
– Goal-setting and achievement

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