Page 39 - PR's - People & Culture
P. 39

or themselves, as well as their family, makes me feel shift in today’s society.
I have always loved helping people, either one at a time, or inspira- tional speeches in front of hundreds. To be able to help people see an incredible future for themselves, as well as their family, makes me feel I am creating a culture shift in today’s society.
Back in 1975, my mother immigrated to America, to follow the dream of freedom and success. She left her job of being a successful teach- er, to chase happiness, joy, and more  nancial opportunity. With Tagalog as her main language, she had a hard time  nding work. She ended up getting a job as a server at a local diner at minimum wage with tips.
I was 6 months old at the time. We lived in a single wide trailer, about 2 miles from the restaurant. She didn’t own a car, so she would push me in a stroller, to work every day scheduled. Since she couldn’t af- ford a babysitter, she would put me in a small room, and the cooks, managers, and other servers would check on me and feed me left- overs off plates that were getting bussed.
After her shift, we would head home, stop at the grocery store, and look in the clearance cart for dented cans, which would serve as din- ner on top of rice that night. Rain or shine, snow or wind, my mother found a way for us to survive in this country.
Financially during the next few years, life was very challenging. Shopping for school clothing was mainly at yard sales. Clearance sales, second hand stores, and thrift shops were her main choice of bargain shopping. She did this so that she could still send money back to take care of her family in The Philippines.
While working, my mother had incredible determination to  nd a more enjoyable job in the States. She studied, continued her educa- tion, improved her English language, and soon found a job in the government world where she worked for 25 years, until she was able to receive an incredible lifetime pension, and is now enjoying retire- ment and being a loving grandmother.
The reason why I tell you this story is because just like my mother, there are many people that don’t know how to truly save for their future. My mother was blessed to be able to have a pension. There are many of us out there that don’t have this privilege and have to learn how to make ends meet on our own.
We were taught to save, but not truly how, and very rarely were we taught where to invest. I love the opportunity to be able to teach not only my clients, but also their family, so that they all know that you can truly retire when you want to, if not earlier!
All it takes is a  nancial roadmap, knowledge on how to invest, where to invest, and how to diversify in the pre-tax and post- tax world also. If you know how to construct that path, and have an understanding  nancial advisor on your side, it is only a matter of time before you are taking care of yourself in the golden years, and preparing your children and grandchildren to understand and want the same.
I consider each of my clients a part of my family and try my hardest to keep in touch with all of them individually. I enjoy when I receive pictures of their life memories, and invites to their local events when I’m in town.
The Filipino culture is based off of family and love. The values we have show no favoritism towards nationality, age, gender, or econom- ic base. We love everyone the same, and show that we are a country of respect. My mother taught me to treat everyone with care and respect. Everyday, I am inspired to share that to everyone I meet, and I try to treat them as my mother would.
Universal Retirement has the same values as what I believe my culture bleeds. I am blessed to be the leader of our International team, in addition, to be able to share my story with many of you that understand my mother’s humble beginnings. In the future, I hope to be able to share you some information to make you better  nancially, and an inspired leader, at work or in your family. I stay motivated to you for these reasons.
Thank you! (Hanggang sa muli)!
C.COM Spring 2019

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