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eting is better crease sales
ter than traditional paper advertising and marketing. Even marketing and advertising, they must adapt in order to keep all businesses who may have been in business before digital
ness and this is one of the key reasons they are still around. increase sales and revenue is the amount the people you are ustomers.
e of di erent age groups and targets to advertise your prod- ading that newspaper will see your ad, and only a handful of as ads on websites or social media ads, you are able to reach
ith traditional marketing, you are using resources, if some- ng much more because new ads need to be printed. If things
u upload the ad and there is a problem, you can make a
logs have allowed small business owners to be able to interact and want to see how people feel, you can post the product
h traditional marketing avenues, you are not able to interact
ly to  yers or newspapers directly within seconds, rather it
Adnan Khawaja is a visionary entre-
preneur and founder of several web
and marketing companies. He special-
izes in providing Web and Marketing
strategies, So ware Solutions, Online
Marketing, Mobile App Development and Branding. Adnan has been associated with
several businesses over the last decade where his experience in technology and online marketing helped grow each business. Additionally, Adnan is well versed in emerging online technologies and has held CTO positions in several companies including a with a Telemedicine company.
Adnan is half Filipino and was born and raised in Pakistan. He moved to the United States in his teenage years where he continued his education at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). He completed his graduate studies in 2004 in Health Promotion and Technology. He is a mem- ber of several organizations in Las Vegas, including the Asian American Group and Las Vegas India Chamber of Commerce where he sits as a board member. Earlier in his career, Adnan was formerly employed at United of the largest health insurance companies in the United States, where he played a key role in growing web-based technologies, many of which are still being utilized by over half a million members in the Nevada market. He was instrumental
in developing and designing their online learning portal.  e website o ers learning tools in an online setting such as a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and lessons on various health topics. Some of those topics include weight management, Diabetes, heart health, smoking cessation, pregnancy and preventive healthcare.
Adnan is very passionate about creating success as an entrepreneur. He loves sharing his wisdom in technologies and online marketing to help grow businesses. When Adnan is not hard at work, he loves playing cricket, bowling and traveling.
 ink Outside the Box
Budgets can be a huge blockade for start-ups and small busi- nesses that have a lot of drive but not enough funding to fully pursue their business plan. One thing that these companies cut is their marketing budget because they look towards free mar- keting mediums such as social media. Social media isn’t less of a medium because its free, but you do want to have a medium that works closely with your target audience. If companies knew exactly what sort of sales were generated by direct mar- keting for every dollar spent, they would rethink their budget cuts. Statistics released by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) revealed how much in sales were generated for each dollar spent on di erent forms of marketing in 2014. E-mail marketing generated $36.70 for each dollar, social networking marketing generated an average of $13.02 for each dollar spent and di erent forms of non-email marketing generated an aver- age of $19.77 for each dollar spent.
M Spring 2019
f m i
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b t t

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