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About us and this guide
This guide was written by the Low Incomes Tax Reform
Group (, an initiative of the Chartered
Institute of Taxation. We try to give a voice to those who
cannot afford to pay for tax advice.
Everything we do is aimed at improving the tax and benefits
experience of disabled people and carers, students,
migrants, pensioners and low income workers.
LITRG do not generally offer advice services, as our work is
more persuading the government and HM Revenue and
Customs (HMRC) to make the tax system easier to understand
for all, but our website is full of general helpful information.
In addition, we have a specific website for disabled people
who want to take on (or have already taken on) a personal
assistant – which contains
detailed guidance, help and resources.
This guide gives you basic information about the things you
should think about if you are considering taking on a personal
assistant or have already taken on a personal assistant.
This guide is supported by a range of factsheets and
information on our website.
Wherever our factsheets are mentioned
in this guide, you will see this gold star:
You can find contact details of other organisations who can
give you advice or may be able to help you further
throughout this guide and some other useful contact details
are on pages 41–42.
Some of the information in this guide may be new to you and
is quite technical in nature. We have tried to simplify things as
much as possible. To help you, we have included a glossary
at the back of the guide that explains some of the terms
used in the guide. Words that are highlighted in green and
underlined are explained in the glossary. If you click on these
on screen, they should take you to the relevant definition in
the glossary. To return to the text you were looking at:
(Windows/PC) (Apple Mac)
page 2 Taking on a personal assistant – a basic guide • About us