Page 35 - LITRG_PA-final-2018
P. 35


                                   Payslip  Employee’s   Name  Paul Brown  Amount  720.00  52.80  47.52  309.84  Summary of the year to date

                                            4                                      11         Net pay – what’s left  Payment method

                                        Works/Payroll  Number     Year to Date   Total Gross Pay to Date   Total Tax to Date   Total NI to Date   NET PAY   10  11  12


                                           Number  AB123456C   Amount   23.76   26.40   50.16
                                        NI                                                    Employee’s National Insurance   Deductions – tax and National

                             6                                                            Employee’s tax code  Insurance contributions
                                                                                                 number  Payments

                                        Tax  Code  1185L   National Insurance   Total Deductions
                                                    Deduction                             6   7       8   9
                             5             Wk/Mth  Week 2   Amount   9  360.00   Tax            360.00

               Example: Payslip  A typical payslip looks something like this:  Employer name: Mrs Smith        Tax  Year  2018/19      Payment   Basic Pay               Total Payments   Pay by: BACS   Employer Name  1  Employee’s personal information  2  The tax year  3  Employee’s payroll number  4  Wk/Mth  5

                                   1        3           8                  12

           page 35             Taking on a personal assistant – a basic guide • Final thoughts
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