Page 20 - Relaunch Issue
P. 20
WP: Did you have this big pic-
ture in mind or did it unfold
IB: It unfolded gradually. At first I
started off just trying to help friends
and family take the stress away on
their big days and soon realized that
there was a huge gap in the market
and I saw that the possibilities to
this industry were endless.
WP: Let’s talk about weddings by ER, how do you settle
to take on a wedding?
WP: How and when did you an opportunity to do some work can achieve. I love thinking out
get into the event planning in events for someone and it of the box and I like to create IB: I listen to the client and try to form a connection with them
business? was there I discovered my gifting beautiful things and spaces and personally and with their vision. These are very key for my
in the area of events planning although that industry hadn’t creative juices to flow. Once I am able to get in that deep con-
IB: All my life I had wanted to and décor. Without wasting too fully formed in Nigeria, I knew nection zone with a client, I have no hesitations in taking on
be a medical doctor (probably much time I quickly registered it would eventually become their wedding.
because of the kind of literature my company using my English something big and that was how
my dad used to buy me as a name and the first letter of my Elizabeth R started almost 17 WP: Would you say Elizabeth R is a décor company or an
child). So I got into University Dads name and the rest they say years ago. all round event planning?
Of Lagos but was not accepted is history.
into Medical school despite me WP: Before Events what did IB: We love to refer ourselves as a one-stop shop. In addition to
getting enough marks to do so. It has truly been God and certain you touch on? event planning, on the day coordination and décor, I also own
I was told to do Microbiology people He brought my way who a mobile events centre called ‘The Dorchester’. We have also
which I did with the intention of have helped me build this com- IB: I was actually a youth corper added two other subsidiaries known as Avant Garde by ER and
moving into the faculty of medi- pany to the level that it is right when Elizabeth R started but Boxed by ER. Avantgarde is our wedding store where we stock
cine in year 2. Unfortunately, or now. The key really is surround- I used to do holiday jobs to a wide range of wedding gowns, evening gowns, tiaras, veils,
fortunately, it never happened ing yourself with people who key see me through school such as earrings and all accessories related to weddings. Boxed by ER is
and I completed my microbiology into your vision. Once you have secretarial jobs and receptionist our corporate gifts and souvenir arm where we supply corporate
course. Upon graduation I had that, there’s no limit to what you jobs. gifts and souvenirs to clients.
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