Page 74 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 6
P. 74
Morning Family. This is my second post, and I was only 13 and didn’t understand what this
there shall be a third and final, so I hope you permanent red rash on my cheeks and nose
don’t get bored. These are meant for was, and why I had to stop going in the sun.
ENCOURAGEMENT and SUPPORT purposes And no more sport? And I’m so tired all the
only hoping you can see how Cannabis time. Lupus causes photosensitivity, high
has helped in my life. impact sport causes inflammation and
inflammation causes onset of disease, constant
The most common and severe form of Lupus fatigue is sign of activity. But how do you
is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. This is explain that to a teenager? And we had a long
when your Immune system becomes road of many years ahead of us.
hyperactive and attacks healthy tissue.
I suffer with and had treatment for:
I was diagnosed with this autoimmune •swollen and/or painful joints and muscle
disease when I was 13. A normal ANF (anti pain For this I was placed on anti
nuclear factor) blood test reading is negative inflammatory for about 17 years on and off
or up to 80. Mine was positive 640. I was •Anemia
extremely ill and I had to see a specialist •Vitamin D Deficiency
physician and was placed immediately on anti •I had to wear a 24 hour ECG holster as they
malarials that we had to source from the UK have to check all organs. I have a tachycardia
because long term use can damage your and a heart murmur. I was placed on beta
retinas. I then had to see a Rheumatologist blockers for 2 years.
and was placed on 60mg of Cortisone a day. •Epilepsy
•Reynauds Phenomenon
•Lesions on the brain, which most have since
•Poor sleep