Page 10 - December 2018 Wheel FINAL
P. 10
By Peter Klein, Landscape Committee Member
No matter which season you walk around Watergate there's the Terrace" event.
always something amazing to experience. It could be our
weeping blue atlas cedar trees in a snowy scene or spring's Summer
blooming flowers. You may relish the smell of fresh-cut Relaxation
grass in the summer and the beautiful fall foliage. Whatever Hotter temperatures
your preference may be, it is a sight everyone—even pro- and the shining sun
spective buyers—enjoys. Thanks to the work of our grounds entice us to seek
crew, maintenance team, and Landscape Committee, the shade from one of
landscape remains second to none all year long. WAL's trees. Cool,
green, and trimmed
grass relieves our
Winter feet in the summer
Wonderland months at Watergate
Winter brings the at Landmark. The
cold and snow pro- glowing perennials
vides a canvas for and well-placed stones, shrubs, and grasses creates a harmo-
the beautiful ever- nious view. Clear, refreshing water flows from the waterfall
green trees here. near the gazebos and into the swimming pools. These beauti-
Many look forward ful features help steward
to the new year as WAL's landscape during
well as the possibil- the summer.
ities of a renewed
start as we reflect
on the year's events. The landscape comes indoors during the Fall Foliage
Nature’s palette shifts to
winter through seasonal decor. Seasonal music brings vi- the array of bright reds
sions of holly, balsam, and pine into our hearts, as the stress and oranges on trees that
of the day melts away into a serene, wintry landscape. Win- shaded us in warmer sea-
ter is a time where sons in fall. Autumn is a
we share the experi- time when families gather
ence in a special to celebrate our connec-
way with those tion with each other. Its
around us. cooler temperatures and
magnificent foliage pro-
Spring Renewal vides a sense of peace and
Spring awakens our belonging. It's also a great
landscape’s bright time to bask in our land-
tulips and daffodils scape, enjoy the air's
and enchanting azal- crispness and listen as
eas. The landscape's autumn's leaves crunch under the feet. Chrysanthemums
beauty unfolds like a scenic masterpiece as trees blossom decorate our homes inside and out, and its batches of color-
and flowers bloom before our eyes. The renewed landscape ful fall hues attract the eyes and enliven the spirit. Our com-
connects with those seeking personal renewal and optimism. munity participates in a fall clean up to maintain autumn’s
Our spirit soars and we step lighter in contemplation of new natural beauty for humans and animals. Consider gathering
possibilities coming our way.
some leaves, pods and pine cones for your interior seasonal
The Watergate at Landmark community dedicates time each décor.
year to celebrate and preserve our planet. Our “Earth Day” Our community has a beautiful array of trees, shrubs, flow-
festivities include a special landscape clean up and tree ers and grassy areas. So, break away from the hustle and
planting activities. Residents explore their green thumbs and bustle of life and be sure to enjoy our community’s natural
cultivate plants suitable for condo living at the “Sunday on beauty any time of the year!
Page 10 Wheel December 2018/January 2019