Page 11 - December 2018 Wheel FINAL
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WRITE ON! event, speakers across the age spectrum
shared their experiences. Books from
22 published authors living at WAL
By Rashawnda Atkinson who participated in the festival were
available. Titles covered many genres
After attending a presentation at Wa- including fiction, poetry, biography and
tergate by WAL resident authors, an music.
inspired Louise Mokone set out to or-
ganize those within Watergate who The Writer’s Group aims to support its
members as they pursue their own writ-
loved to write. The effort led to the es-
tablishment of the Watergate’s Writer’s ing goals.
Group in 2015. At the outset, Mokone “I couldn’t have written my own book
proposed several ideas that seemed without the support of the group’s
ambitious at the time. One was a Book members,” Mokone says.
Festival, where WAL residents could
present their literary works for sale. The Group also writes Resident Spot- The WAL Writer’s Group Manifesto with
lights in the Wheel which highlight the Louise Mokone, Writer’s Group Founder
“They thought I was crazy when I said achievements and interesting activities
we were going to host a Book Festival of residents from all over the world. or have a knack for telling stories? Join
and that it would be done in one year,” the Writer’s Group at its next meetings,
she quips. “The monthly spotlights help residents December 4 and January 8 at 7 p.m. in
get to know one another…it’s a way to
But, with the help of fellow Writer’s unify different cultures together in our the Card Room. The Group normally
Group members Lynda Soady, Kathe- community,” said Mokone, a former meets the first Tuesday of the month
rine Lee, and many other volunteers, organizational development consultant and welcomes additional members,
the Writer’s Group hosted the Book and international speaker. especially those with leadership abili-
Festival in October 2016. The event ties to take the group to the next phase.
drew more than 100 attendees. At the Do you enjoy reading the Resident So, keep calm, write on and bring your
Spotlights, yearn to pen your memoir, work to the next meeting!
December 2018/January 2019 Wheel Page 11