Page 2 - December 2018 Wheel FINAL
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By Gary Dahl, Board President
Happy Holidays and to all I wish architectural firm to design a canopy-style enclosure on the
you a great new year! We rejoice Upper Terrace stairway similar to ones you see at the
in the events reminiscent of the METRO in the district. In addition to the canopy installa-
holidays. Our community shines tion, we need to analyze the water drainage system that
with festive lights and our minds currently removes water from the Upper Terrace and ad-
fill with holiday cheer. We enjoy holiday parties and cele- joining parking lot. WAL selected an engineer with exper-
brations here at Watergate at Landmark (WAL). Things slow tise in water flow and drainage issues to evaluate our cur-
down and gatherings with family and friends take center rent drainage system on the entire Upper Terrace area to
stage. Please relax and enjoy all this season has to offer! determine any necessary changes. We need both the cano-
py and drainage evaluation to avert another flood in the
The following contracts were approved during the most re- Community Center.
cent Board of Director meeting:
LED Lighting Replacement Progress.
Inspection of Building 2 Balconies Our in-house staff has completed hallway ceiling light LED
Structura has surveyed about 20 balconies to formally assess retrofits in buildings one and two and they have completed
conditions. The contract includes engineering services, in- the top four floors of building three.
vestigation, bidding and construction phases.
Lighting contractor, Lightiligy has completed LED retrofits
Racquet Club Metal Roof Replacement in parking garages in Buildings one and four. Once the gar-
Culbertson Company will replace the Racquet Club’s metal ages are complete they will retrofit all of the emergency
roof, gutters, and downspouts. The company will also per- stairwell light fixtures. Both of these projects have a great
form minor wall and exterior door repairs. return on investment; savings in electricity bills are projected
Pool/Fitness Center Window Replacement to pay for the retrofit in a year and a half and the bulbs have
HiRise Windows will replace the windows and framing be- an advertised five –year lifespan.
tween the Indoor Pool and the Fitness Center. The new in- Board Meeting
stallation will feature double pane aluminum windows. Con- Due to the holidays, the Board Meeting will be on Tuesday,
densation damaged the current pressed wood window frames December 18. I hope to see you while you are enjoying the
this past summer. The new windows will be a significant holiday decorations or attending one of our holiday events.
improvement. HiRise was the contractor we used to replace
all the windows in your unit during the past window project. The Board wishes you and yours the very best this holiday
The Association was very pleased with their work on this season. May this season bring you joy and happiness.
previous project.
Retaining Wall Replacement in Pet Area 2 ANNUAL
Avon Corporation will replace the wood retaining walls in RE-REGISTRATION
Pet Area 2. The new walls will be made in keystone block
wall material similar to that used in the existing walls in STARTS DECEMBER 3
front of Building three.
Start getting your vehicle registrations, pet licenses,
Conference Room Furniture current WAL IDs, and current amenities passes togeth-
The Conference Room in the Community Center has dilapi- er! WAL registration period will be from December 3,
dated furniture over 20 years old. This room is used for new 2018 through January 31, 2019. This is the time when
residents to receive their welcome packet and needs updat- we make sure all your information is current and re-
ing. New furniture will arrive in the next 2 months. flects any changes from the previous year. This is espe-
Upper Terrace Stairway Enclosure cially important when we need to contact you for emer-
Over the years, the Community Center experienced signifi- gency purposes and to update you on important matters.
cant water infiltration. The open staircase from the Upper Read the Weekly Flyer as the weeks go on.
Terrace that leads down to the Building 2 Garage and the
Community Center is exposed. Water flows down the steps
like a waterfall in heavy rain. The Board approved an
Page 2 Wheel December 2018/January 2019