Page 4 - December 2018 Wheel FINAL
P. 4
By Vinh Pham, Administrative Director, Resident Services Manager
If you find yourself mainly watching vides antenna cable connections in way to install services in your
local news and programming, Wa- each unit allowing residents to view unit. The wiring is for the exclu-
tergate at Landmark has the perfect local channels in the DC Metro region sive use of the master antenna
answer for you. Originally installed for free without cable or satellite con- system only.
by the developer forty plus years ago, tracts/expenditures.
a community-wide master television • Be mindful that the signal’s sys-
antenna system exists throughout the It's simple and quick to use. Connect tem runs from floor to floor. A
community. The master antenna pro- the coaxial cable from your TV to the unit above or below yours can
wall plate in your eliminate service if their wall
WAL MASTER unit location. De- plate is damaged, painted over or
if they removed wires during a
pending on your
ANTENNA SYSTEM unit type, this remodel.
will be located
CHANNEL LISTING within the bed- • Resident Services can process a
work order request if you are una-
room, den, or ble to receive the master antenna
kitchen. Turn on signal or have difficulty with a
Analog High-
Station the TV and you're certain channel. However some-
Designation System Definition good to go! times the problem can be very
Channels Channels involved if a neighboring unit has
Both analog and disrupted the service line.
Front Door Camera 3 3 high-definition
NBC 14 4.1 – 4.2 televisions can • National Antenna performs the
use the system. service calls for the master anten-
WTTG (Fox 5) 15 5.1 – 5.2 The chart to the na. The Association covers minor
ABC 17 7.1 – 7.3 right organizes repairs to the wiring (e.g. old wall
the channels by plate or aged wiring). The Associ-
CCTV 8 8 analog and high- ation may assess charges to the
owner at fault if improper move-
CBS 19 9.1 – 9.3 definition sta- ment or removal of a wall plate or
WFDC X 14.1 – 14.4 wiring caused signal loss.
WDCA (Fox 5 Plus) 20 20.1 – 20.3 Information for • When altering a wall that has a
Owners: master antennae wall plate, own-
WMPT – Annapolis PBS 22 22.1 – 22.4
Check out these ers must submit an architectural
WETA 26 26.1 – 26.4 important facts to modification application through
know when using the Management Office. Such
WDCW50 28 50.1 – 50.2 master antenna or plans must be reviewed for proper
WHUT – 32 32.1 – 32.2 remodeling an wire relocation. If not, your
Howard Univ. PBS area having a neighbors may suffer signal loss
master antenna and you could be liable for the
WZDC X 44.1 – 44.2
wall plate: cost to correct the problem, even
WNUV X 54.1 – 54.4 • No cable or if it was an accident.
ION X 66.1 – 66.6 satellite service For further information contact the
provider may use management office at 703-370-7000.
LATV X 68.1 this wiring as a
Page 4 Wheel December 2018/January 2019