Page 12 - March 2019 Wheel
P. 12


        By Lynda Soady, WAL Resident

        What  do  you  say  when  your                                                   Cris,  a  U.S.  citizen  with  El
        son and his wife tell you they                                                   Salvadorian  heritage,  is  the
        are quitting their jobs to open a                                                behind-the-scenes  marketing
        restaurant  with  plans  to  drive                                               person for the restaurant. She
        from  their  DC  metro  area                                                     also  does  online  translation
        home  to  South  America  in  a                                                  work and in her ‘spare time,’
        red  camper  truck?  That  was                                                   Cris  enjoys  Flamenco  danc-
        exactly  the  case  for  Bob  and                                                ing.
        Lynda  Soady  in  2014.  One
        day,  Dave,  their  son,  and  his                                               For Foodies Only
        wife Cris, whom he met at Po-                                                    This  is  not  a  standard  fare
        tomac Valley Brick—the com-                                                      restaurant. It is for “foodies.”
        pany  who  supplied  brick  to                                                   Dave  calls  it,  “Cocina  de
        build  Watergate  at  Land-                                                      Aventura,”  which  means
        mark—several    years   ago,                                                     Kitchen  of  Adventure.  His
        shared this dream with us. Alt-                                                  goal is to introduce people to
        hough  they  were  excited  for                                                  new flavors and new ingredi-
        them,  it  was  a  shock  to  hear                                               ents,  often  with  a  Latinx
        that  they  were  actually  going                                                origin.
        to leave the life they’ve known
        behind! It wasn’t easy keeping                                                   Bob and I visit once or twice
        track  of  where  they  were,  but                                               a year and enjoy the creativi-
        at  least  we  were able  to track                                               ty  of  the  kitchen.  All  the
        them  on  the  map  thanks  to                                                   food  is  made  from  scratch
        modern technology.                                                               and  presented  as  art.  Dave
                                                                                         incorporated  food  ideas  that
        How  The  Restaurant  13      WAL  residents  Bob  (on  the  right)  and  Lynda  Soady  (not   he gleaned along the journey
        Fronteras  Began              pictured)  spending  time  at  a  park  not  too  far  from  the   to Argentina.  He does a tast-
        Dave, Cris, and their two Shih   restaourant  with  13  Fronteras  owners  David  and  Cris   ing menu event from time-to-
        Tzu  dogs  did  follow  their   Soady  along  with  Willie,  one  of  the  dogs  who  came  with   time  that  is  a  big  hit,  and  if
        dream  and  are  alive and well   them.                                          you  can  catch  a  flight  you
        in  Buenos  Aires,  Argentina.                                                   can  try  the  one  happening
        They celebrated a one-year anniversary of their restaurant   later this month! But don’t just take our word for it.
        13  Fronteras  on  December  9,  2018.    The  name  comes
        from the 13 borders they crossed on their road trip to Ar-  Don’t Take Our Word For It
        gentina. Though they are 12 borders, they had to cross the   A few other WAL residents journeyed to 13 Fronteras for
        Mexican  border  twice!  That’s  because  the  border  patrol   a dining experience. Katherine Lee in Building 3 was one
        agents  were  so  busy  inspecting  the  camper  loaded  with   of them and she was there the first week he opened. She
        things  needed  for  life  and  for  the  restaurant  that  they   was  going  on  a  cruise  and  made  a  special  effort  to  eat
        planned  to  open  that  they  left
        without getting a stamp for their
        passports!                                From Watergate to couple’s
                                               “Cocina de Aventura” (Kitchen of adventure)
        The  logo  for  13  Fronteras  is  a
        play  on  the  DC  license  plate,
        with three stars and two horizontal knives in place of the   there. She said eating at 13 Fronteras was, “an amazing
        bars. Many visitors to the area see the logo, stop in to eat,   dining experience! It has an exciting menu, exquisite fla-
        and ask “Are you from DC?” Then Dave tells the story of   vors, and delightful restaurant owners – definitely an ex-
        how they got where they are and shows off his tattoo.   perience to remember and to repeat! I didn’t have a lot of

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