Page 4 - March 2019 Wheel
P. 4


        By Jessica Cornejo, Maintenance Coordinator and Rashawnda Atkinson

        You  are  redecorating  your  unit  and   Instead of going through the hassle
        need  to  paint  the  walls  a  new  color.   of  researching  a  contractor  and
        You’ve  come  back  from  work,  vaca-  hoping  they  show  up  to  complete
        tion or an evening out only to find wa-  the job according to code and per-
        ter leaking into your kitchen, bathroom   sonal satisfaction, give the Handy-
        or bedroom. Or somehow your sink is   man Service a try.
        draining  slower  due  to  a  clog  in  the
        drain. Fortunately for WAL residents,   How Much Is It?
        our  Handyman  Service  Program  can   Invoicing  for  services  performed
        assist residents in these and more situa-  by the Handyman Program include
        tions.  Both  owners  and  renters  (with   labor, parts and materials. Parts and
        owner  permission)  may  use  the  ser-  materials  are  billed  at  cost  plus
        vice.                                 20%. All new parts have a 90-day
        Tell Me More
        This service allows WAL Maintenance   Service  categories  include  plumb-
        staff  to  do  most  types  of  basic  unit   ing, general, HVAC, and electrical.
        maintenance  at  rates  typically  lower   Each has a different price structure
        than outside contractors. Routine elec-  and  there  are  additional  fees  for
        trical  and  plumbing  repairs,  light  car-  after-hours services.
        pentry work, drywall repairs and wall                                   Tony the Handyman says “About 65% of my
        or ceiling paint jobs are all things they   Once services are complete, a bill will   work is repairing or replacing faucets.”
        can  assist  with  so  that  your  property   be sent and that’s due within 30 days.
        maintains  its  value  and  functionality.   Any outstanding amounts after 30 days   hanging a few things around the house
                                                               are  added  to  as-  or  painting  the  kitchen  a  new  color,
                                                               sessment  accounts   then the services below are what  you
                                                               with  late  fees  as-  need. You’ll be charged $17.50 per 15-
                                                               sessed.             minute increment plus parts and mate-
                                                                                   rials. Some of the general services our
                                                               For tier shutdowns   Handyman Service handles are:
                                                               needed   because    •   Replace mailbox locks
                                                               water  access  must   •   Hang pictures and towels
                                                               be  restricted  to   •   Clean  dryer  vents  from  the  ma-
                                                               perform  the  work,    chine to the unit wall
                                                               the  Maintenance    •   Repair  or  repaint  ceilings  and
                                                               team  handles  this    walls
                                                               as well. Tier shut-
                                                               downs  are  sched-  Plumbing Services
                                                               uled  at  least  48   Plumbing   services   WAL   offers
                                                               hours  in  advance   through  the  Handyman  Services  in-
                                                               and   are   $100.   clude:
                                                               Should there be an   •   Clear/snake drain lines
                                                               emergency  or  un-  •   Replace the sink trap
                                                               scheduled    tier   •   Replace water supply line/valve
                                                               shutdown,  this  fee   •   Replace shower rod/head/neck
                                                               rises  to  $200.  Af-  •   Replace toilet wax ring/caps
                                                               ter-hours   shut-
                                                               down is $300.       Services  under  this  umbrella  incur  a
                                                                                   $17.50  charge  for  each  15-minute  in-
                                                               General Work        crement for labor plus parts and mate-
                                                               If  you  want  help   rials.

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