Page 6 - March 2019 Wheel
P. 6


         By Bob Lee, WAL Board Member and WAL Lions Club Secretary

        Did you know only 38% of American    Cross  President  Dr.  Bernadine  Healy   friend or loved one.
        are  eligible  to  donate  blood,  and  of   described  the  shortage  as  “one  of  the
        those only 10% actually do according   most severe her organization had ever   So  please  volunteer  for  this  year’s
                                                               experienced  with   WAL Blood Drive scheduled for Sat-
                                                               many areas of the   urday,  March  30.    The  Inova  Blood
                                                               country  reporting   Mobile  will  be  in  the  Lower  Parking
                                                               they had less than   Lot in front of Building 1 adjacent to
                                                               one  day’s  inven-  the putting green from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                                                               tory  of  blood  on   Just so you  know, all blood collected
                                                               hand,  an  amount   by  Inova  Blood  Donor  Services  re-
                                                               inadequate    to    mains in the Inova Health Care System
                                                               meet     hospital   and its service area.
                                                               demands”.    Ur-
                                                               gent    messages    For those with an e-copy of the March
                                                               were  sent  out  to   Wheel, simply click on this link and it
                                                               medical  facilities   will take you to the Inova Registration
                                                               to cancel elective   page.  Then  just  select  a  time,  fill  out
                                                               surgeries    and    the  online  form  and  voila—you’re
                                                               implement  other    good  to  go!  Inova  then  sends  you  an
                                                               measures  to  con-  email  confirmation  of  your  appoint-
                                                               serve    existing   ment within minutes.
        Blood donated to Inova Blood Donor Services remain in the Inova            For  those  with  print  versions  of  the
        system and its service area.                           Inova  Blood  Do-   March  Wheel,  type  in  https://
                                                               nor  Services,  the
        to the American Red Cross?  That’s an   valued partner of the WAL Lions Club   group=op&expand=21364&zc=22304
        exceedingly  small  number  when  you   for annual blood drives, issued its latest   to access the registration page.
        consider that 40,000 pints of blood are   Current  Community  Blood  Inventory
        needed  every  day  in  the  U.S.  to  treat   Report  on  February  16,  2019.    It   Contact  Bob  Lee  at  703-370-5636  or
        patients  and  save  lives.    One  thing  is   showed  that  inventories  of  various,  Renee  O’Brien  at
        for  sure,  the  demand  for  life-saving   blood  types  were  often  less  than  half   703-927-6922   or   by   email   at
        blood never ceases.                  the recommended levels.  A single ma-

        These figures from the Red Cross and   Consider that 40,000 pints of blood are needed
        the challenge they define explain why
        there’s  a  chronic  shortage  of  blood   every day in the U.S….but only 10% of eligible
        supplies  and  the  ongoing  appeals  for
        people to donate.  This is not a manu-                     donors give blood.
        factured  crisis  or  a  cynical  PR  gim-
        mick. Rather, it’s an accurate reflection   jor  incident  consumed  the  remaining,  any  other  Li-
        that  at  any  given  moment  available   inventory.                       ons Club member or Activities Direc-
        inventories  of  life-saving  blood  are                                   tor Liz Phipps at 703-370-7092 or ac-
        virtually depleted. This is true especial-  There is simply no substitute for blood.
        ly  for  rarer  blood  types,  which  often   If  we  are  to  maintain  adequate  blood  if
        are  the  very  ones  most  critically  and   supplies, then it is up to each of us who   you encounter any problems or would
        urgently needed.                     are able to donate blood. Your gift of   prefer  a  time  slot  that  appears  to  be
        In February, the Red Cross and Ameri-  blood may save the life of an accident   fully booked.
        ca’s  Blood  Centers  reported  severe   victim, a cancer patient, a hemophiliac,
        shortages  of  blood  virtually  unprece-  a  patient  undergoing  surgery,  a  preg-  Hope to see you at the Blood Drive on
        dented for this time of the year.  Red   nant  mother  or  premature  baby,  a   Saturday, March 30!

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