Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 05 31 to 06 07
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Friday, May 31 to Friday, June 7, 2019 • Watergate at Landmark Unit Owner Association
Monday, June 3
*This schedule may change.* Joint Board and Budget Meeting
Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m. SMOKE ALARM
•Line striping begins Thursday, June 6 CHECKED FOR
Monday, June 3. We will FY 2020 Budget Meeting Kick-Off FREE!
start with Bldg. 1 and Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m. Have you checked your unit’s smoke alarms to
move to the next bldg. make sure they’re working? Let the American
once work is complete. COMMITTEE MEETINGS
Red Cross Disaster Team do it for FREE! If it’s
•Carwash and Vacuum determined you need smoke alarms they will
areas will have limited install new alarms FREE OF CHARGE! Work
access in June due to is anticipated to begin in July and progress
Racquet Club work. from building to building. Sign up at Resident
•Bldg. 4 will have jetting Services ASAP to take advantage of this FREE
done this week. Monday, June 3 service!
•Work In Progress Communications, 6 p.m., Conference Rm. 1
•Bldg. 1’s Elevator #3, Tuesday, June 4 GRAND OPENING FOR
Elevator out of service Seniors, 2 p.m., Terrace Lounge DAWN MARIE’S VISAGE
A&E, 6 p.m., Library
•Bldg. 4’s HVAC/Fascia
Project on Tiers 1 and 3 Covenants, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2
Wednesday, June 5
•Pet 2 Retaining Wall Youth, 6 p.m., Conference Rm. 2
•Indoor Racquet Club Recreation, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 1
Roof Replacement, tem- Infrastructure, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2
porary hours in effect Thursday, June 6
Pet, 7:30 p.m., Conference Rm. 1
MANAGEMENT Sunday, June 2
Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In
Text “Watergate” to 313131 OFFICES AND Community Center • 2 – 4 p.m.
FirstService Residential RESIDENT SERVICES Check out the new look and services offered at
CLOSE MID-DA Y ON our Community Salon! General Manager Tom
Resident Services Office Curry will be present to cut the ribbon. Light
703-370-7000 FRIDAY, JUNE 7 refreshments will be served.
Gate Communications The Management and Resident Services
703-370-2674 Offices will close on Friday, June 7 from 2 – 5 BACK GATE REPAIR UPDATE
Activities Office p.m. for the annual employee picnic.
Lobby Entrance Door Camera
Comcast - 971 WHO TO CALL WHEN WAL
Master Antenna - 3 OFFICES CLOSE
WAL CCTV Channels If you have an after-hours maintenance
Comcast - 970 emergency (i.e. water leak) in your unit, call The resident-only lane for the Back Gate is
Master Antenna - 8 anticipated to close on Wednesday, June 5 at 8
Patrol Services at 703-370-2674 for assistance.
Metro Water You may also call this number for after-hours a.m. Residents should use the front gate to enter
703-461-3418 issues such as spills in the common areas, the property when repairs begin. Any changes
Racquet Club suspicious activity, etc. Dial 911 in the case of a that affect the community will be announced.
703-370-7047 life-threatening emergency.