Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 05 31 to 06 07
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Activities Director Liz Phipps
Friday, May 31 • Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m. Saturday, June 8
Hosted by the Recreation and Youth Committees. Outdoor Tennis Courts • 10 a.m.
Sponsored by the Board of Directors. Ever wanted to give tennis a try? Come out to this
year’s Tennis Expo! Attendees learn the rules
behind the game and practice common tennis
JUNIOR SCRAPBOOK CLUB drills. It’s a FREE event, so don’t miss out!
Saturday, June 1 • Card Room • 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Bring your photos and creativity to the table; no other
materials necessary. Ages 8 and up recommended. Contact
Diane at or 703-973-4373 for details! Sunday, June 9
Terrace Lounge • 9 a.m.
JUNE SESSIONS FOR SPORTS JAM Join in the excitement as we watch
the French Open men’s finals! The
KIDS CLUB PROGRAM! Recreation Committee will supply
Saturdays: June 1, 8, 15
Meet at the Town Square • 1 – 4 p.m. • $25 per day light refreshments. FREE. RSVP
Register your child for a Saturday session with this with the Activities Office.
program managed by Pro-Fit! Let your child spend
a few hours being active on a Saturday afternoon. WILL ROGERS, USA
Contact the Activities Office to reserve a spot.
Saturday, June 22
WATERGATE SINGLE SENIORS CLUB Terrace Lounge • 6 – 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 3 • Terrace Lounge • 4 p.m. Ticket: $40/person
Elegant Dress Attire
Kaleidoscope Theatre Co. pre-
THE WHARF, DC sents by special arrangement
Thursday, June 6 • $10 Shuttle • 10:30 a.m. Departure with George Spota Productions: Will Rogers’ USA
The Wharf is DC's newest day trip destination, bringing adapted from the words of Will Rogers by Paul Shyre
famous restaurants, new shops, and beautiful waterfront featuring Rob Cork as Will Rogers.
views together in one place. Explore the Wharf on your
own for an afternoon! Lunch will be on your own at the The Watergate Market and Café will cater the evening’s
Wharf. We will depart at 10:30 a.m. and return to meal, which consists of soup, roast pork and dessert.
Watergate by 3:15 p.m. Ticket price covers the meal, tips, and entertainment.
All beverages must be purchased at the Market. To at-
tend, buy a non-refundable ticket at the Activities Office.
EVENING BOOK CLUB: Sponsored by the Social Committee.
Thursday, June 6 • Library • 7:30 p.m. DON’T WAIT: SIGN UP FOR SPORTS JAM
Discuss with neighbors David McCullough’s 1968 novel about
the events leading to the devastating flood disaster which SUMMER PROGRAM!
claimed over 2,000 lives in Johnstown, PA Mondays – Fridays • 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Program Runs from June 24 – August 2
$185/Week per Person • $50 Drop-In Rate
YAPPY HAPPY HOUR Drop the kiddos off this
Friday, June 7 summer with Milos for fun
Upper Terrace • 7 p.m. at the Sports Jam WAL
Have an evening of fun at this pet-friendly Kids Club Program! Pack
social sponsored by the Pet Committee. lunch and snacks, swim
gear, and comfortable shoes
so your child can play
SENIORS BEACH VOLLEYBALL sports, swim, make crafts
and more! Care not availa-
MEET-UP ble on Federal holidays. Sibling discounts available. Register
Interested in a few pick-up games of beach ball with Liz in the Activities Office to reserve your spot today!
volleyball? Call Karen Hamlin at 628-225-5822.