Page 10 - July 2019 Version 2
P. 10


        By Rashawnda Atkinson
        Summer  is  in  full  swing!  No  more   ticipants  can  earn  points  towards  a   Go Camping
        early mornings, alarms or homework   free  book  of  their  own.  There  are   State  and  national  parks  are  a  great
        for a while.                         even  programs  targeted  towards     way to enjoy a night under the stars
                                             adults as well.                       and  many  offer  inexpensive  passes
        That’s the good news.                                                      for admission. Camping has changed
                                             Our  own  library  in  the  Community   a great deal, depending on where you
        The bad news?                        Center has many books for residents   go.  Some  sites  have  showers,  elec-
                                             of all ages to enjoy. You can have a   tricity and a place to purchase items
        School’s  out  and  now  your  family   relaxing  time  reading  there  or  grab   you  need!  The  closest  camp  sites  to
        needs something to do.               some books to read and return at your   WAL are Burke Lake Park in Burke
                                             leisure.                              and  Pohick  Bay  Regional  Park  in
        This  is  true  especially  if  they  don’t                                Lorton.  The  Prince  William  Forest
        have  summer  jobs  or  aren’t  in  sum-  Explore Local                    Park offers cabins at a bargain rate as
        mer camp. Families are always on the   If you’re itching to get out and about,   well.  Research  any  site  you  choose
        hunt for ways to maximize their qual-  Alexandria  has  lots  of  free  or  low-  before  going  so  there  won’t  be  any
        ity  time  AND  save  money                                                      surprises.  Remember  to  pack
        while  doing  it.  So  here  are  a                                              plenty  of  food  and  tools
        few ideas that won’t break the                                                   (unless  you’re  planning  on
        bank and that the whole fami-                                                    catching  your  own  food),
        ly can enjoy!                                                                    pitch  your  tent  and  enjoy
                                                                                         camping with your family for
        No Place Like Home                                                               a night or two!
        As  a  WAL resident  you  have
        access  to  the  pool,  park  and                                                Don’t let the threat of inclem-
        picnic areas as a  part  of  your                                                ent weather ruin your camping
        amenities  here.  Plan  a  day  at                                               trip.  You  can  still  enjoy  the
        the pool and break for lunch at                                                  camp  atmosphere  if  plans
        home, the Market or at one of                                                    change  due  to  rain  or  cool
        the  picnic  tables.  Be  sure  to                                               temperatures. Just trade in the
        invite a few friends and have a                                                  open  fire  for  an  electric  grill
        few passes for those not living                                                  and  your  outdoor  tents  for
        on  property.  You  could  then                                                  some  blankets  and  have  a
        play  a  few  rounds  of  volley-                                                camp-in, provided it is safe to
        ball,  basketball,  tennis,  fris-                                               do so!
        bee,  etc.  Or  if  you  think  you
        have the arm strength, have a   Hop onto the King St. Trolley for a free adventure!    Movie Night
        friendly game of cornhole near                                  Photo: R. Kennedy   If  you  miss  out  on  the  Free
        the  pool!  Sounds  like  a  great                                               Movie  Nights  hosted  the  sec-
        way to spend the day to me!          cost  attractions  to  visit.  Hop  on  the   ond  Thursday  each  month,  you  can
                                             free King Street Trolley or go to the   plan  your  own  or  take  a  trip  to  the
        Love Your Library                    Torpedo  Factory  Art  Center.  You   theater! Movies that suit the interests
        The  Alexandria  Public  Library  has   could  eat  a  picnic  lunch  at  a  spot   of  everyone  and  plenty  of  movie-
        tons  to  offer  families  and  all  it  re-  along the Waterfront or be awed with   theater snacks help make the evening
        quires is a bit of planning ahead and   the  National  Inventors  Hall  of Fame   fun.  Dollar  stores sell  movie-themed
        some time. Typically, they offer sum-  and Museum. Enjoy the sounds of the   items such as popcorn holders, large
        mer  plays  and  interactive  programs   street performers or watch artists cre-  candy boxes and specialty treats. Set
        that appeal to different ages. Many of   ate  paintings  as  they  happen  at  the   up  the living  room  with  pillows,  or-
        the  performing  artists  are  award-  Waterfront. There’s lots to do in this   der  some  pizza  or  make  your  own
        winning  nationally  or  well-known   city and you don’t have to spend a lot   and  watch  your  favorite  flicks  on
        locally. The summer reading program   of money or time to get there.       your TV or smart device.
        covers birth – Grade 12, and all par-

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