Page 7 - Wheel May 2019
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through  it  again  after  the  event  is   and the like at home. Noise disturb-  the Party Room capacity.
        over  and    you’ve  cleaned  up.  If  fees   ance  reports  from  residents  and
        or  fines  are  assessed,  complete  de-  neighboring  complexes  have  oc-  What If  I Forgot to Make a Gaze-
        tails to support such will be included   curred  in  the  past,  so  don’t  let  your   bo reservation ahead of time?
        on the checklist.                    event be affected by such.           Well, you might get lucky if it’s un-
                                                                                  reserved  on  the  day  that  you  want.
        Please  make  sure  you  remain  at  the   How Do I  Cancel My Event?     You can claim unreserved gazebos as
        gazebo for the duration of your reser-  You can cancel your reservations and   of  8  a.m.  the  day  of  your  event  by
        vation  time.  If  you  must  step  away   receive  a  full  refund  of  your  fee  if   contacting Patrol Services. The same
        for a moment, choose another WAL     your  request  is  made  no  later  than   rules  apply  whether  you  reserve  or
        resident who’s over the age of 18 to   five days prior to the scheduled func-  claim a gazebo. There are risks with
        be your proxy. You can be away for   tion.  No  refunds  are  available  for   waiting,  as  requests  are  made  on  a
        up  to  an  hour,  but  please know  you   cancellations made within five days.   first-come,  first-claimed  basis  and
        will still be responsible for what hap-                                   there  is  no  guarantee  that  a  gazebo
        pens during that time.               Inclement weather plans              will  be  unreserved  on  your  desired
                                             If there’s inclement weather, we may   day.  Plus,  if  you  want  non-resident
        Are Bands and DJs allowed in the     be  able  to  relocate  your  event  to  an   guests to have access to the Outdoor
        Gazebos?                             alternate space if it’s available. Man-  Pool when it opens, you must plan to
        Celebrations  usually  evoke  the  need   agement may allow residents to move   purchase passes during regular office
        for  music,  and  background  music  is   the  event  to  a  vacant  Party  Room   hours and hope the day you want is
        okay  as  long  as  it’s  off  before  11   provided  an  additional  security  de-  unreserved.  However,  during  the
        p.m. on the day of the gazebo rental.   posit or rental fee is paid for the Par-  Outdoor  Pool  season,  you  have  the
        Just be sure not to use any electroni-  ty  Room.  Inclement  weather  reloca-  option to purchase up to 10 addition-
        cal amplifiers or public address sys-  tions are not guaranteed and are only   al pool passes to use the day of your
        tems. So, tell your DJ or musicians to   applicable  when  availability  allows,   rental.
        leave  the  subwoofers,  microphones   and the guest numbers do not exceed

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