Page 9 - Wheel May 2019
P. 9
By Javier Ortiz, Patrol Services Chief
Usually this time of year calls for out- charcoal starter
side get-togethers and with it comes fluid to light the
the smell of freshly grilled foods. Our charcoal. If the fire
community has several outdoor grills dies down, don’t
available for you to use at picnic areas add more starter
and at the gazebos, where you can fluid or other flam- Be sure to keep an eye on the grill once the fire’s lit.
enjoy a good meal with loved ones mable liquids.
and take in the beautiful surround- 5. Never leave a lit grill unattended. 9. Dress for the occasion. Clothing
ings. Don’t fire up the grill yet. Re- Fires can begin within moments. catches fire easily, so be sure
view these tips. 6. Don’t allow kids or pets to play your shirt tails, sleeves, dresses or
near the grill. Distance for the apron strings don’t dangle over
1. Only use an electric grill on the most part is key to keeping them the grill. Should the unfortunate
balcony. No charcoal or gas grills safe from burns and access to po- occur, stop, drop and roll helps to
allowed on the balconies. tentially poisonous materials. extinguish clothing that’s on fire.
2. Charcoal grills are available for 7. Keep charcoal, fluid, matches, 10. Be prepared to put out the fire in
residents to use at the gazebos etc. out of a child’s reach and case of an emergency! Have bak-
and picnic areas. away from heat sources. ing soda on hand to control a
3. For the charcoal grills on proper- 8. When finished with the gazebo or grease fire and a fire extinguisher
ty, consider using a charcoal picnic grills, allow the coals to for other fires. If you don’t have
chimney starter. It uses newspa- cool completely before leaving a fire extinguisher, have a bucket
per to start the fire instead of the area. Environmental Services of sand next to the grill. Call 911
flammable charcoal starter fluid. staff will clean any remaining if the fire gets out of hand.
4. If you must, be sure to only use ashes the following day.
May 2019 Wheel Page 9