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              New at Greenfieldeading in the Arts

              Putting on a Show

              Students	performed	Hercules	this	spring	before	a	crowded	audience	at	the
              Del	Maestro	Auditorium	at	Wilson	Community	College.

              Hercules is a comedy adventure that sends the title character on a series of impossible
              tasks to win back the love his girlfriend after his evil stepmother Hera curses her with
              an anti-love potion. What seems like an impossible challenge turns into a hilarious
              series of events that ultimately leads to Hercules’ success.

              This play was incredibly fun for both the audience and students. We had 31 students
              as actors, as well as 4 students who helped run tech. They committed to two months of
              rehearsing after school to put this show together. While several students had been on
              stage before this show, many of the students stepped into the lights for the first time.
              Each student found something that they enjoyed and can be a part of their lives for
              many years ahead.

              The show was truly a team effort. Parents, teachers, and students from all over the
              school helped bring the show to life. Our theater program is proving to be a place
              where the whole school can come together to create a piece of art that everyone can
              enjoy. The theater program at Greenfield School is growing, and we cannot wait to see
              where it goes next!

              22 | Greenfield School 2019-2020 Impact Report
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