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              New at Greenfieldeenfield

              Golden Anniversary Gala: A Knight to Shine

              The	2020	annual	spring	fundraiser	was	held	Saturday,	March	7,	2020,
              and	ended	up	being	the	most	spectacular	event	even	amidst	talk	of	the
              COVID-19	virus.

              Each year, the spring event brings together the Greenfield School family and Wilson
              community for a great evening of food, fun, and fellowship. From awesome trips,
              unique parties, variety of services, home decor, gift baskets, art, and more, there is
              always something available for everyone. Greenfield’s gym was transformed into a
              “Golden Ballroom” by several hard-working volunteers, who spent the entire week
              leading up to the event decorating for the black-tie gala. Over 200 attendees dined
              on fabulous food from Scarborough Fare, enjoyed both a silent and live auction, then
              concluded the evening dancing to the music from the band, Bounce.

              All proceeds from the event are applied directly to operating funds to help close the
              gap that tuition and fees alone do not cover for the educational needs of our students.
              Luckily for Greenfield, the Golden Anniversary Gala was a magnificent celebration and
              amazing fundraiser held just prior to the mandatory school closures, which happened
              the following week. Greenfield’s timing could not have been any better given the
              circumstances of school closures for in person instruction just 10 days after the Gala.
              Because of our supporters, we raised more money than years past and thankfully so,
              as with the pandemic, much needed extra expenses were incurred as a direct result
              of COVID-19. In the end, the Golden Anniversary Gala-A Knight to Shine had net
              proceeds of $140,000.

              Save	the	date	for	the	2021	spring	event	on	March	6,	2021!

              Bundle Up & Grow with Greenfield

              Entering its second year, the Bundle up and Grow with Greenfield partnership
              program supported many of the programs and events throughout the 2019-2020
              school year. The program was created to eliminate the feeling of constantly being
              asked for support throughout the year by bundling sponsorship and advertising
              opportunities. The “bundle” packages also allow our corporate partners and supporters
              more exposure within a variety of events held throughout the year.

              Thank	you	to	our	partners:

              26 | Greenfield School 2019-2020 Impact Report
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