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              New at Greenfieldeenfield

              Annual Fund

              The	Annual	Fund	campaign	is	the	primary	way	Greenfield	School	raises
              money	to	fortify	our	academic,	fine	arts,	and	athletic	programs.

              Gifts to the Annual Fund enable us to enrich and enhance our student’s educational
              experience through investments in technology, innovative curriculum, and physical
              assets, as well as professional development for our exceptional faculty. Our students
              and families experience the Greenfield mission through the hard work and talents of
              our faculty and staff each day. Your tax-deductible gift to Greenfield’s Annual Fund
              bridges the gap between tuition and actual operating costs to sustain Greenfield’s
              mission each year as a high achieving college preparatory school. Annual Fund gifts
              contribute to the school’s operating budget. They are unrestricted, which means they
              can be used in whatever way the school needs most.

              These gifts allow the school to respond quickly to needs, such as those added costs and
              expenses surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic this past year and have an immediate
              and noticeable impact on Greenfield’s day-to-day life. Because of the success of our
              Annual Fund last year, Greenfield was able to implement, establish and enhance
              our campus to prepare Greenfield to safely reopen for the 2020-2021 school year.
              The Board and Administration had not planned on these added expenses, nor for a
              pandemic, but was able to utilize Annual Fund monies from last year to help offset the
              new expenses created by COVID-19.

              Each year we ask every member of the Greenfield community, including faculty, staff,
              board members, current parents, grandparents, and alumni to support our mission to
              the best of their ability with a tax-deductible gift to the Annual Fund. Participation
              is critical to the success of Annual Fund. Our goal this year is 100% participation
              from each family, board members, and our faculty/staff. A high percentage of giving
              reflects a strong and dedicated school community, and foundations and corporations
              look for high participation rates when evaluating requests for grants and donations.
              Collectively, from all constituents, is a monetary goal of $75,000.

              Let’s make this the year “WE’RE ALL IN” and meet our goals to make annual giving
              our number one priority.

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