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                                                                                                    New at Greenfieldeenfield

              Annual Fund Frequently Asked Questions

              Why	is	the	goal	100%	parent	participation	rather	than	a	set	amount	of

              The school seeks large gifts from foundation and corporate donors. Those donors
              will only consider support when they see that the people directly benefiting from the
              organization have shown their commitment. Last year 48% of our parents made an
              Annual Fund gift, up from 45% from the past year. Thank you!!! We regularly hear
              from parents that they highly value the education their child receives at Greenfield. We
              want to make that value visible to others by demonstrating high parent participation
              in annual giving. Our new baseball field being constructed now is a prime example
              of how major corporations help fund the needs of our school when they see our
              participation increasing. A major bank, who contributed to our tennis courts, is
              interested in more partnerships when we can increase our Annual Fund participation.

              We also have a financial goal for the Annual Fund ($75,000 this year), but we are
              confident we can make that goal if everyone participates by making a gift.

              What	size	gift	should	I	make?

              All gifts are important to the school, so make a gift of whatever size is comfortable for
              you. In 2019-2020 we received Annual Fund gifts from parents ranging from $5 to
              $20,000. The only gift too small is no gift at all!

              I	receive	indexed	tuition	from	the	school.	Does	it	send	the	wrong	message
              if	I	make	a	gift	to	the	Annual	Fund?

              Not at all. Making a charitable gift is a great way of showing your appreciation to the
              school for the financial grant your family receives. Your charitable giving has absolutely
              no impact on Financial Grant Committee decisions - but it has a big impact on the

              I	pay	full	tuition.	Why	should	I	make	an	additional	gift	on	top	of	that?

              Tuition does not cover the full cost to educate a student. Charitable gifts bridge the
              gap between tuition and actual costs. This means that every family benefits from gift
              income, regardless of how much tuition they are responsible for paying.

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