Page 2 - Haven reports
P. 2

The Haven Community Centre
2020 - 2021
Notes re Financial Reports April to June 2020
The June reports are the first to have been distributed by THQ for this financial year .
The budgets in the reports are not the budgets submitted by The Haven. Regional finance advised that: ‘Amendments have been made to your budgets in the context of the current crisis which calculated what we thought income and spend would be under a three month lockdown, followed by a return to normal activity from 1st July. This figure was then split evenly over 12 months. Given where we are in mid- July, you may feel that this is no longer relevant, and there will probably be a further re-forecasting, however at this stage it does provide a bench mark, and mission support will be awarded on this principle. The budget is based on the staff headcount in November, and excludes any additions that were agreed at the time when budgets were prepared.’
The amended budget will be reviewed (by JE) and feedback given to the recipients of this report in due course.
There are still programming errors in the centrally produced reports. Such anomalies include differences between various reports of opening balances and closing balances. These anomalies can be as high as £12K. The reports below have been extracted from the management accounts we receive from THQ. One can see the reporting issues we face as the overall deficit showing in the top report is £ 126K compared with £ 138K in the lower report. Even the opening balances differ, albeit by a few pounds.

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