Page 5 - Haven reports
P. 5
The Haven’s overall excess expenditure over income for the period was £ 62K (after manually allowing for furlough refunds of £ 12K). This reduced to £ 41K following receipt of £ 21,500 in mission support from THQ, in June.
As no reports have been produced prior to June’s, the monthly figures are as follows:
• April: £ 15,644 surplus (includes grant of £ 57K for nursery from Portsmouth City Council)
• May: £ 54,680 deficit
• June: £ 1874 deficit (includes mission support of £ 21,500 and furlough refund
of £ 12K)
Total: £ 40,910 deficit
If The Haven had its own bank account, it would have been approximately £ 126K overdrawn at the end of June 2020. This is because The Haven commenced the current financial year with a brought forward ‘overdraft’ of £ 85K.