Page 7 - Haven reports
P. 7
alterations to the amount The Haven has to pay the corps (PO05) and how much The Haven’s own departments need to pay towards the overall overheads of The Haven. This will be looked at once the revised budgets have been reviewed.
Following receipt of mission support totalling £ 21,500, the admin fund (AAA/C1CZ00001) finished the period with an ‘overdraft’ of £ 103K, having started the new financial year with a brought forward deficit of £ 103K.
Excess expenditure over income for the period was £ 1336.
Much of the above deficit has been caused by ongoing overheads including pest control, TV licence and refuse collection. Some of the invoices relate to the previous financial year.
No funds have yet been transferred to the admin budget towards overheads.
The cafe (FB1/C1CZ00001) finished the period with an ‘overdraft’ of £ 336, having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 1000.
Furniture store and charity shop
Excess expenditure over income for the period was £ 26,926. After allowing for the reimbursement of furlough funds totalling £ 5548, which, due to a programming error in the monthly reports, do not show in the sectional accounts, the excess expenditure over income was £ 21,378.
Much of the above deficit has been caused by ongoing overheads including insurance but, in general, staffing costs.
£ 25,000 was secured by the centre manager from Portsmouth City Council as part of the government’s strategy to support businesses whilst closed due to Covd-19.