Page 9 - Haven reports
P. 9
3000, having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 3000.
Excess expenditure over income for the period was £ 6K. After allowing for the reimbursement of furlough funds totalling £ 5206, which, due to a programming error in the monthly reports, do not show in the sectional accounts, the excess income over expenditure was £ 325.
The nursery will be entitled to a grant towards the additional staffing costs following the pay review carried out by THQ.
A grant of £ 57K was received during the period from Portsmouth City Council, as well as funds totalling £8K from parents etc.
No funds have yet been transferred to the admin budget towards overheads.
Income of £ 20K has been budgeted for holiday clubs and Connect4Summer. The later has been cancelled.
It should be noted that one third of The Haven’s administrator’s salary is charged to the nursery.
The nursery (GB1/C1CZ00001) finished the period with a credit balance of £ 1325 having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 1000.
The nursery fundraising account (GB2/C1CZ00001) finished the period with a credit balance of £ 1791 having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 1791.