Page 11 - Haven reports
P. 11

The shopper fund (GL2/C1CZ00001) finished the period with an ‘overdraft’ of £ 5532 having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 1000.
Excess expenditure over income for the period in the general reserve (GR1/C1CZ00001) was NIL.
It should be noted that at least two members of the corps contribute funds each month for the benefit of the foodbank, but these are accounted for in the accounts of PO5 (the corps), so that food can be purchased by the corps for the foodbank
A donation of £ 300 can be accessed by The Haven when funds are needed. These funds are held outside of Salvation Army accounts, but are available ‘on demand’.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, certain income and expenditure has been specifically coded to a new reserve entitled ‘Covid-19 Central Trust’ (GR1/C1AH00118). A similar reserve exists within the AAA fund. For the purposes of this part of the report, the Covid-19 income exceeded expenditure by £ 4717. This was primarily due to donations from the general public totalling £ 5350.
The foodbank general reserve (GR1/C1CZ00001) finished the period with a credit balance of £ 2325 having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 2325.
The foodbank Covid-19 reserve (GR1/C1AH00118) finished the period with a credit balance of £ 4717 having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 0.
Flask Fund
Excess income over expenditure for the period was £ 0.

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