Page 8 - Haven reports
P. 8
These funds were banked by Tina and recorded by her in the accounting system, but were removed from the accounts of The Haven by THQ, on the basis that such grants were to benefit a number of charity shops. The territorial finance secretary has agreed to review this decision with the corps but, as has been pointed out by Major Andrea Still, these funds were obtained on the basis that they were for use by the centre. It is also understood that DHQ is following up this matter.
No funds have yet been transferred to the admin budget towards overheads.
It might not be necessary to maintain the smaller van unless it is needed by The Haven for those times when there is not a driver for the larger vehicle. However, the costs of maintaining the smaller van such as MOT, servicing and insurance, might be considered an unnecessary expense.
The former Job Centre site lease expired in November 2019. Discussions are taking place between the landlord, The Haven and P & FS regarding the renewal of the lease.
After allowing for the furlough refunds, which do not show in the departmental reports, the furniture store/charity shop (FF1/C1CZ00001) finished the period with an ‘overdraft’ of £ 20,825, having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 553. It had been planned to start the year with an opening balance of £ 1000, but THQ reversed a transaction on the last day of the 2019 – 2020 accounting period without informing the centre. This changed the carried forward accordingly .
The furniture store/charity shop van reserve (FF1/C1CM00001) finished the period with a credit balance of £ 5358, having started the new financial year with a brought forward balance of £ 5059.
The furniture store/charity No.2 reserve (FF2/C1CZ00001), which is ring fenced for legal fees relating to the shop lease, finished the period with a credit balance of £