Page 6 - Haven reports
P. 6

Departments’ Financial Performance (April 2020 to June 2020)
 Administration/General Overheads
Excess expenditure over income for the period was £ 21K. This was cleared by receipt of mission support for £ 21,500.
In the reports, £ 300 is showing as having been transferred to a new ‘quarters furnishings reserve’ from the general reserve. Having queried this transaction, it transpired that THQ should have passed this transaction in the corps’s own set of accounts (PO05). Regional finance is correcting this error.
The main source of income for the admin budget is room hire. As at the end of June 2020, £ 2660 had been received: £ 1310 from Home-Start and £ 1350 from ABRSM. Tina has been chasing outstanding payments from the last financial year, but has been hampered by the closure of their operations due to Covid-19. However, Tina has received notification that payments totalling £ 2520 are in the banking system for funds owed to us by Portsmouth College, going back to March.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, certain income and expenditure has been coded to a new reserve entitled ‘Covid-19 Central Trust’. Some of this is recorded alongside the admin general fund with coding AAA/C1AH00118, and the rest alongside the foodbank general fund with coding GR1/C1AH00118. For the purposes of this part of the report, Covid-19 expenditure recorded in AAA/C1AH00118, exceeded income by £ 1905.
Also appearing in the accounts of the admin area, are other Covid-19 transactions which were incorrectly coded by THQ to a new reserve (AAA/C1AH00117) which is designated ‘Senior Corps (Northern Ireland)’. Corrections will be passed to rectify this.
It should be noted that no internal transfers have been made yet between the admin, departmental and corps accounts, as THQ has amended the budgets which include

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